Iron Clad Forest

© Paul Michko

Iron Clad Forest

Uploaded: October 08, 2004 09:20:33


Close-up of a Computer CPU heatsink.
Speaking of which, I have a major project to upgrade my companies server this morning and will have to catch up with everyone later. Have a great day!!!


S J October 08, 2004 0

Terrific shot and perspective, Paul! I love it! Good luck with your project! #176512

Colleen Braun October 08, 2004 0

very interesting... #829239

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic October 08, 2004 0

Whatever THAT is! Good luck on the upgrade!! #829240

Cindy Paquette October 08, 2004 0

GREAT perspective and way interesting shot Paul! #829241

Charlene Bayerle October 08, 2004 0

Very cool abstract Paul!!!! Great job and idea!!! #829263

Cathy Gregor October 08, 2004 0

What a nice looking heatsink. You've captured it well :-) Terrific abstract, Paul!
-cathy #829279

Kathleen Clemons October 08, 2004 0

Nicely done, Paul! #829283

Gianna Stadelmyer October 08, 2004 0

Great shot, Paul! Lighting, contrast, shape, pattern.... good eye! Now get back to work- LOL;-) #829307

Colette M. Metcalf October 08, 2004 0

Great abstract, Paul!!! #829351

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic October 08, 2004 0

Now just where would I find these? #829415

Wally Orlowsky October 08, 2004 0

Great macro, Paul. I think that you could have fooled most of us with this one ... my heat sink rods are rectangular. #829428

Joy Brown October 08, 2004 0

Terrific! #829455

Kathryn (Love) Scheet level-classic October 08, 2004 0

wonderful abstraction Paul! hope your upgrade is painless! #829456

Claudia Kuhn level-classic October 08, 2004 0

Nice abstract Paul, good patterning and repetition. #829537

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic October 08, 2004 0

Wonderful abstract Paul!!! Great pattern!!! #829700

Cathy T. Vettes October 08, 2004 0

VEry cool Paul.. You could have done a what is it on this shot and no one would have guessed it.. eh?? Very creative !! #829888

Michael Allen October 08, 2004 0

COOL indeed! - When I saw the thumb, I thought it was light coming through holes.

Very tight and interesting structure, nicely captured and presented.

.. mike ;-]

Paul Michko October 08, 2004 0

Thanks, Sanjay, Colleen, Carolyn, Cindy, Charlene, Cathy G., Kathleen, Jan, Colette, Bonnie, Wally, Joy, Kathryn, Claudia, Adilson, Cathy M. and Michael. #830694

Deborah Lewinson level-addict October 09, 2004 0

Amazing graphic, Paul, excellent perspective!

-Debby #830846

S J November 16, 2004 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Paul! Best of luck with the next round! #912380

Wally Orlowsky November 16, 2004 0

Congratulations on this graphic finalist, Paul! #912420

Cindy Paquette November 16, 2004 0

A big congrats Paul!!! #912421

Claudia Kuhn level-classic November 16, 2004 0

Cool shot, congratulations Paul! #913277

cj patterson November 16, 2004 0

congratulations paul!!!! #913733

Robert Mann level-deluxe November 16, 2004 0

Congrats, Paul and good luck! RoB #914025

Diane Addonizio level-classic November 16, 2004 0

Congratulations !! #914040

Paul Michko November 16, 2004 0

Thanks everyone, and good luck to all the finalist!!! #915340

Colleen Braun November 16, 2004 0

Congratulations... #915381

Cathy Gregor November 16, 2004 0

Congrats on your finalist, Paul!
-cathy #915675

Kathleen Clemons November 16, 2004 0

Congratulations to you, Paul! #916681

Tammy McAllister November 16, 2004 0

What a great capture Paul, congratulations! #916745

Stanley J. Contrades November 16, 2004 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Paul, and the best of luck in the next judging stage!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #918021

William C. Raco level-classic November 17, 2004 0

Excellent photo and eye Paul!

bill #918560

Paul Michko November 17, 2004 0

Thanks, everyone. And again, good luck to all the finalist. #919928

Alan L. Borror November 17, 2004 0

Congratulations, Paul! #921156

Sharon Day November 20, 2004 0

Congratulations, Paul!!! #926888

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