Uploaded: June 15, 2004 14:43:02
1/125 at f/9.5 with fill flash, tripod.
Blanca Acosta June 15, 2004 0
Good, beautiful photo. Very well done! #138172Dale Ann Cubbage June 15, 2004 0
You know what I really like about this, the few straws that are out of place. Usually shots like this are so perfect, but I really like that this isn't. Great shot, love the colros! #595255Anne E. Morgan June 15, 2004 0
Thankyou Balnca and Dale Ann for your kind remarks! Dale Ann, while I was setting up the shot, a tiny gnat flew onto the straws and, without thinking, I blew him off, upsetting the straws as well. As I began to straighten them, I thought the dip on the right side added some visual interest, so I left them. You photos are incredible, so your comments mean even more to me!!! Best wishes! #595338Anne E. Morgan June 15, 2004 0
Sorry Blanca - I did not mean to misspell your name! How rude of me! #595341Leonard Pierce July 18, 2004 0
Congratulations Anne!!! #654429Anne E. Morgan July 18, 2004 0
Thank you so much Len! Its my first EVER contest recognition and its such an honor when I see mine next to such beautiful work! Thanks and best wishes! #654532Amanda E. Radovic July 23, 2004 0
Hey - congratulations....I knew I recognised this shot. Its a fabulously simple shot and deserving of its finalist!! Congratulations again, I'm stoked for you Anne! #665155Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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