
© Jill Garl


Uploaded: April 08, 2005 16:12:10


Image painted with painter 8.


Wendy Jones April 08, 2005 0

Such a good picture -- looks just like a painting. What a precious moment for a mom... #234081

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic April 08, 2005 0

Absolutely precious! Babies are so cute sleeping...and you captured the moment perfectly. Excellent job, Jill! #1239006

Gail Vitikacs level-classic April 08, 2005 0

This is the nicest baby portrait I have ever is stunning! WOW! #1239144

Susana Ms Heide April 08, 2005 0

I'm speechless, Jill!!! This is 100% professional work! I hope you are marketing this one cuz it will do well. Above all, it is a treasure for the parents!! Way to go!! #1239273

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 08, 2005 0

Great work! We will be seeing this one again! Love it , Jill! #1239390

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 08, 2005 0

Great work! We will be seeing this one again! Love it , Jill! #1239392

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 08, 2005 0

Great work! We will be seeing this one again! Love it , Jill! #1239393

Lynn Crawford April 08, 2005 0

Wow Jill this is beautiful, I love your painting technic, so soft and pretty, beautiful little baby!!! #1239538

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic April 08, 2005 0

Wow Jill, another beautiful picture. I looked on the corel site. They don't have Painter 8 but they do have Paintshop pro 9. Do you think it would be the same thing? I would love to be able to do this with photos. They look just like they are painted. Fantastic job.
Kay Mahoney #1239632

Jill Garl April 08, 2005 0

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments!.
Kay...the program you want is Corel Painter 8 or Painter 9 (newest version). I'm not sure if paintshop pro 9 will do the same. Also you will need a Wacom tablet and stylist if you don't already have one.
Good luck when you do find it. It's fun but takes a lot of practice. Thanks for the nice comments. #1239645

Olivia Navarro April 08, 2005 0

Absolutely beautiful! Extremely nice work, Jill! #1239694

Marta Azevedo April 13, 2005 0

What a beautiful work, Jill #1249693

Margot Petrowski April 13, 2005 0

WOW again, Jill....FANTASTIC. I'm working on getting that program as well. All I need is one more thing to learn!!! #1252213

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic May 22, 2005 0

Congratulations!!!!!!!. Knew this would make the winners. Grat job. #1376574

Margot Petrowski May 22, 2005 0

Congrats Jill!!!! I personally think that all of your paintings should be finalists!!! #1379814

Lori S. Aschbrenner May 22, 2005 0

Congratulations, Jill! This is so beautiful!! #1380627

Susana Ms Heide May 22, 2005 0

Jill, I'm so glad you made the finalists with this one. I'll keep my fingers crossed because I think it should win GOLD!! Good luck! #1381247

Kara L. Hendricks May 22, 2005 0

This is so perfect Jill.. Wonderful choice as a finalist.. Congrats!! #1381583

Tammy Hudson July 24, 2007 0

This is so beautiful! I love this! Can this be done using Photoshop? #4546679

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