flower child
Uploaded: March 14, 2007 16:20:25
life does not get better than this!!
Special THANKS to Hayley for your help!!!
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Stephanie D. Moon March 14, 2007 0
this is just gorgeous, Megan. great clarity and lighting. #620579Susan Fox March 14, 2007 0
Megan this is one of my favorites! So love that cute flower hat. Great POV and comp! #4053830Judy A. Lawhon March 14, 2007 0
This is just precious, Megan!! #4053839Brinn MacDougall March 14, 2007 0
Baby pictures aren't my favorite subject, but I couldn't pass this one up!..excellent, Megan! #4053921Datha Y. Thompson March 14, 2007 0
ADORABLE!!!!!!! LOVE IT :0) #4053924Hayley J. Hamlin March 14, 2007 0
:) Woohoo girl...looks great!! I am glad you chose this one;)
Rakesh Syal
March 14, 2007
Melissa G. Meiselman March 14, 2007 0
Wonderful skin tones taken with great clarity, Megan!! She is adorable!! #4053981Denise M. Snyder March 14, 2007 0
You already know I love this one Megan! I'm glad you were able to do what you hoped with it! It looks FABULOUS!!! Such a fantastic baby pic - lovin' that hat! #4054007Megan p March 14, 2007 0
Thank you so very much everyone!!! Again, Thank you Hayley, you helped make this so much more special!!:):):) #4054011Cindy Harter March 14, 2007 0
This is SOOOOOOOO CUTE!! Oh my, that little face and pose... I love the pastel colors, the clarity is spectacular! You did a fabulous job!!! #4054031Joan Kocak March 14, 2007 0
i echo the above! great shot- #4054080Jane Holestine March 14, 2007 0
Great shot, Megan. The colors and detail are super. #4054097Kim McCloud March 14, 2007 0
Outstanding!! Hooray for you! #4054124Lynn Crawford March 14, 2007 0
OH my goodness Megan I am jealous of this beautiful portrait, Wow it is adorable, I love the way you have posed the baby here and the HAT is SO SO CUTE, great color and lighting, I just have to find a hat like that for my little Brooke :) #4054493Megan p March 14, 2007 0
Thank you SO MUCH Cindy,Joan,Jane,Kim, Cortney and Lynn!! Lynn, I am looking forward to pics of your sweet Brooke with a hat like this!! :):) #4054599
Kay E. Mahoney
March 14, 2007
Chastity Abbott March 14, 2007 0
This has to be a winner, the capture is too perfect for it not to be!!!! The light, the colors and that sweet baby pink.......beautiful work!!!!!! :) #4054764Tracy Jones March 15, 2007 0
oh man!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY!!!!!!!!!! seriously this little one is soooooo cute! great shots! #4055150jennifer B. short March 15, 2007 0
Oh my goodness.....this is the best baby picture I have seen on this site. I really mean that from the bottom of my heart. WOW #4055505LENA U. FRIEDMAN March 15, 2007 0
This is gorgeous!!!!!Your niece is just a beautiful baby and you did such a wonderful job with her photo! I hope that we see this one again!!!! #4055592Megan p March 15, 2007 0
Thank you Kay,Chastity,Tracy,Jennifer and Lena!!!!!:):) Thank you for your wonderful compliments! #4056202Cheryl E. Molennor March 15, 2007 0
OMG What a pose What a face. Great image #4057960Christy Nichols March 15, 2007 0
Oh this is just too sweet, Megan!! Love the pose, love the lighting, love the cute baby!! Great capture, girl!!! #4058024Darren K. Fisher March 16, 2007 0
So adorable and so well captured. I love the nice even lighting and the wonderful detail. Congrats on your POTD yesterday at shutterbugs with this shot. #4060865Jane M March 17, 2007 0
LOVE that hat. Great image!! #4062705Megan p March 17, 2007 0
Thank you Deborah,Cheryl,Christy,Darren and Jane!! Right back at you Darren!:) #4063590Allison Gaulin April 02, 2007 0
Megan, I've been browsing around your gallery- I could stay here for hours! Your baby portraits in particular are stunning. Your use of natural light is outstanding. The clarity is excellent, and you capture the most priceless expressions. Love, love, love it!! #4122617Megan p April 03, 2007 0
Allison, THANK YOu so much, you are so sweet to say that!! I have been very fortunate to get some real beauties to photograph. Thank you again! #4124726Sharon King April 05, 2007 0
This is a winning shot for sure! #4133179Emily E. Bem June 22, 2007 0
You must have had a hard time keeping focused shooting this little cherub! I would be kissing her little cheeks off every few minutes...LOL! I just looked through your gallery...again...LOL! It's turing into a regular thing.... :)Oh, btw...brilliant work here! #4421839
Lisa J. Boulden
January 08, 2008
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 10, 2008 0
Priceless! #5316485
Carolyn M. Fletcher
January 14, 2008
Megan p January 14, 2008 0
THANK YOU all so much!!! I just love this little chickadee!! #5337445
Tressie Davis
January 15, 2008
JO ANN CLEVELAND January 27, 2008 0
Adorable! What's not to like about this? NOTHING!LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!
jo ann c. #5401594
Skyy McKendry February 20, 2008 0
Really a wonderful portrait! Just outstanding - congratulations! #5522562Hayley J. Hamlin February 20, 2008 0
Congrats girl!! I am so excited for you :) #5522788Datha Y. Thompson February 21, 2008 0
Soooo ADORABLE!!! Congratulations to you girl!!! WTG :0) #5523562
Nikki McDonald
February 21, 2008
Michelle L. Frick February 21, 2008 0
Gorgeous light Megan! Congratulations on your HM! #5523857
Tressie Davis
February 21, 2008
Cyn Valentine February 21, 2008 0
Adorable..congratulations MEgan!! #5525567Megan p February 21, 2008 0
Thank you so much everyone, what a thrill and honor!!! Thanks again to that sweet sweet baby, I just love her to bots! #5525590
Stefania Barbier
February 22, 2008
Dawn M. Schneider February 27, 2008 0
what a precious image!! this is so special, congrats #5558667cheryl m. phillips February 29, 2008 0
Megan this is so sweet.Symona R. Wood August 05, 2008 0
Congrats on the HM...this is one of the cutest baby shots! #6272222Raquel J. Ruiz December 13, 2009 0
Too Cute!!!! #8212055paola A. Jofre July 17, 2010 0
Adorable!!!! Congratulations!! #8768804Kombizz Kashani May 25, 2011 0
very good capture - good use of soft lighting #9427659Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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