Cowboy Booty

© Tina L. Baker

Cowboy Booty

Uploaded: June 02, 2005 07:01:58


iso 400 ss 1/125 f6


Carolyn J. Connolly June 02, 2005 0

Excellent capture, Tina - and I love your's SO appropriate!! ;o) #257052

Carol Brill June 02, 2005 0

Such a cute shot and clever title to go along with it, Tina, LOL!! #1421116

Janessa L. Taber-Webb June 02, 2005 0

Look at the cute dimples on his butt! This is so cute....can I buy a print from you. I have a western theme going in my office, and this would just top it off!!! SO ADORABLE! #1421135

Paul Michko June 02, 2005 0

Now this is a cute shot. Nice creativity, Tina. #1421298

Lori S. Aschbrenner June 02, 2005 0

LOL! This is just too cute, Tina!! #1421340

Ronald Balthazor June 02, 2005 0

Large shoes to fill? Well done, Tina. #1421915

Sandy Landon level-classic June 02, 2005 0

This is so cute! Made my day! #1423230

June 02, 2005 0

Wow Tina~ he is really going to love this one when he grows up!

Very cute! A excellent work of Art! #1423405

Wendy Ellis June 02, 2005 0

This brought a smile to my face, Tina! What an ADORABLE capture! #1423827

Bianca B. Steinfeldt June 03, 2005 0

Very cute, I am still smiling! #1424224

Jennifer Rennison June 03, 2005 0

Too cute, Tina! #1424313

Amanda Price June 04, 2005 0

Seriously, contact these people! If you can think of a clever verse to go with it, I think it would be a hit. #1428750

July 23, 2005 0

Great postcard shot, indeed! #1624169

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 23, 2005 0

Fantastic capture Tina. Congratulations on your win. Good luck in the next round. #1625363

KHAWLA Haddad July 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Tina LOL love this so much best of luck in the next round!!!!!!!. #1627502

Kerby Pfrangle July 23, 2005 0


Congratulations. Major cute.

Kerby #1627512

Lesley Brown July 25, 2005 0

this photo made me smile so big, and I really needed that :) congrats! #1633750

LJ Corliss level-classic July 25, 2005 0

Congrats :) #1633782

Kerby Pfrangle July 25, 2005 0


Congratulations on your first place win.

Well deserved.

Kerby #1634129

Kimberly Peck July 25, 2005 0

Congrats on First Place! Very well deserved!! :-) #1634532

Colette M. Metcalf July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations to you, Tina!! Adorable image!! #1634746

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your first place Tina. I loved it when I had first seen it. Way to go. #1634839

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Tina! Really well done!!
Kathleen #1634864

Claudette Foote July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Tina #1634989

Kirsi Bertolini July 25, 2005 0

Yeehaw! Hats up for this one! Little cowboy in making there. Awesome shot and deserves a shot of tequila (for the proud papa and mama). Congrats!!!! #1635012

Murry Grigsby July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your first place "booty" Tina!! :0) #1635045

Peggy Wolff July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your first place win with this great image! Too cute! #1635273

Patrick Campbell July 25, 2005 0

Great shot, great title! Congrats on your big win, Tina! #1635376

Cathy Barrows July 25, 2005 0

Congrats on your win!...this is just too cute #1635408

Kay Beausoleil July 25, 2005 0

Thanks for the laugh, Tina, and mostly: congratulations on your win! #1635491

Trish N. Bland July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations, Tina! Adorable shot! #1635551

Wendy Stevenson July 25, 2005 0

LOL this is just too sweet Tina! Big Congrats on your FIRST PLACE win - oh and thanks for the chuckle and smile:-) #1635617

Ken Grooms July 25, 2005 0

You also get the Too-Cute-For-Words prize! Congrats! #1635655

KHAWLA Haddad July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful first place winner, Tina such adorable shot well don!!! #1635696

Jill Flynn July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your FIRST PLACE win Tina! This made me smile big time! #1635859

Kathleen R. Struckle July 25, 2005 0

Congrats on your win!! So adorable!! #1635882

Jennifer Jones July 25, 2005 0

Great shot TIna! Congratulations on your first place win. Very well deserved! #1635888

Deborah Sandidge July 25, 2005 0

Too cute, congratulations, Tina!! #1636063

Amanda Price July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on this cutie patootie shot! #1636244

Susana Ms Heide July 25, 2005 0

That golden badge sure looks good under your image!!! Gotta love those dimples :o) Too funny :o) CONGRATS Tina! #1636388

Terry L. Ellis level-classic July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations, Tina, on this adorable first place win!!! #1636617

Nicole Grimsley July 25, 2005 0

CUUUUTE!!! This is my first time seeing this shot...congrats on your win. Well deserved! #1637205

Cindy Zweiacher July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on your winner!! #1637564

Joannie Bertucci level-classic July 25, 2005 0

This is the only time dimples in the butt are too cute!
Congratulations on a terrific image and well deserved win! #1637662

Abdusalam A. Al-Tuwijri July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations, wonderful shot ,so cute #1637828

Serena Pierce level-classic July 25, 2005 0

Great image Tina, Congratulations!! #1637859

Sharon Day July 25, 2005 0

Cute shot, Tina!! Big congratulations! #1638126

Alisha L. Ekstrom May 02, 2006 0

First off I found your gallery from ILP!!!:)

Second this image is SPECTACULAR! I hope this is blown up HUGE!!!!!! LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!

Congrats on a VERY WELL Deserved win!!! #2714479

Chastity Abbott August 22, 2006 0

I agree with Alisha.....totally awesome!!! Congrats to you!!!! #3196577

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