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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Christopher A. Walrath

The Film Sections Are Still Here

It's about time we get more people back here like it used to be. More people are returning to traditional capture all the time and it's about time we got this up and running again.

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January 10, 2014


Steve Spehar
  Agreed! As someone who still maintains a darkroom and shoots on vintage/analog cameras, I will be happy to be a resource to anyone embarking on old school, and hopeful to have advice when I need it.

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January 15, 2014


Christopher A. Walrath
  Gee. Wish others felt like you and I. If anyone reads this, come on over to

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January 01, 2015


Christopher A. Walrath
  Just a bump of sorts so folks can see a new post by date and also to give me a reference point so I know whether or no there has been activity in this forum.

By the by, a shout out to Mark and Alan. JIC

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January 24, 2015


Christopher A. Walrath
  Just a bump for the forum. Just in case anyone is looking. Admittedly been off the computer for a month. Lo, still I lurketh about.

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March 21, 2015

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