Elizabeth Wilmore |
How to Shoot Inside a Gym?

f2.8, 1/250,ISO 3200 Manual Canon 17mm-55mm Inside gym
Elizabeth Wilmore
I have been asked to photograph cheerleaders (25 girls dancing during halftime)in a gym during basketball games. I am having problems with this low-light situation. I have a canon 60D with a 17mm-55mm lens as well as a 85mm prime. I tried shooting in manual, f1.8 1/250 at 3200 ISO. The images were very grainy. I switched lenses to the 17mm-55mm and the same thing happened. I was told I should be using a 70mm-200mm instead. I also have to shoot group "prom" pictures outside with next to no light - again, a problem!
February 04, 2012
Michael T. Cooper |
The f1.8 prime is faster than the 70-200. But still, that's not the only issue. It's overall light. There is only so much for the lens opening to let in. By forcing the high shutter speed, ISO has to be high and noise is the result. You can clean up noise somewhat in programs like Lightroom. Can you use flash - i.e., hotshoe mounted speedlight (not built-in)? Then you could operate at the camera's flash sync shutter speed (usually 1/250 or 1/200), using the F1.8 lens and ISO of 500 or so.
February 06, 2012
Eileen W. Thompson |
When I shoot in a gym, I focus on middle grey and then frame my picture. That seems to keep my camera from picking up too much yellow from the gym floor. When I work in RAW and photoshop, I can interestingly get a more true color by using auto in my photo adjustments. Works for me. You can try it and see if you get results.
February 07, 2012
Dale M. Garvey |
Shoot in RAW and at a high ISO. Nikon D300 can shoot at 2500 ISO with little noise. You can try adding a bounce flash. Lightroom and CS5 can reduce noise. http://bethroberts.zenfolio.com/
February 07, 2012
Valerie Y. Martin |
You might also try Topaz's DeNoise. It allows you to do separate adjustments to the overall noise (which handles the luminance noise), the red noise, and the blue noise. Additionally, you can protect the highlights while upping the noise reduction in the shadows. This would be especially helpful in your sample picture because you could protect their faces while taking some of the noise out of the upper right corner. Topaz has a 30-day full-feature free trial.
February 07, 2012
Elizabeth Wilmore |
Thank you all for your suggestions! I will try them out tonight and I will look into some software to help with the noise. Again, thank you so much!
February 07, 2012
Jeff Daehyun Kim |
In photoshop, noise can be reduced by simply using SURFACE BLUR. adjust it well and you can get rid of that noise... :-) rockpaperscissorsph.com
February 08, 2012
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