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Photography Question 
- Ellen Devenny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ellen Devenny
Ellen Devenny's Gallery

Tear Sheets

For several years, I had photos published in a magazine on a freelance basis. I've not had anything published in the last two years, but would like to get in with some other publications. One of the requests is to submit "tear sheets." I have extra copies of the magazines in which I was published. Do I remove these from the magazine or make copies of the pages on which my photographs appear showing my credit?

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February 04, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Scan them.

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February 03, 2011


Monnie Ryan
  I'd also tear out a few of your best sample pages and have them reproduced somewhere on a good copy machine. Some publications still want hard copies, and you'll have plenty right at hand. The cost is minimal.

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February 04, 2011

- Ellen Devenny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ellen Devenny
Ellen Devenny's Gallery
  Thank you both for those replys! I've removed the pages and will scan them as well as have copies produced from them to send hard copy samples along with my information. Thank you!

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February 08, 2011

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