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Photography Question 

Beth Spencer

Moving Elements Catalog into Lightroom 3

Does anyone know if you move a catalog into Lightroom 3 from Photoshop Elements if you will still be able to use it in Elements? Also, my catalogs in Elements have the pictures tagged and rated - will that show up in Lightroom 3? Thanks!

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January 09, 2011


Sarah G
  Yes, you really aren't moving them into Lightroom, just telling Lightroom where they are on your computer. Elements will still know where they are too. They're independent pieces of software and they know what you tell them.
If you actually move a file or rename something while in Lightroom or PSE you will have to go into the other software and tell it too. The individual programs will only know what you tell them when it comes to where the files are on your computer.

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January 10, 2011

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