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Robyn Gwilt

Pocket Wizards

I'm in the market to buy Pocket Wizards (I've been advised to go for the Flex TT5's). I have a Canon 5D MK II and 3 x 580EX's. Do I need to buy 3 wizards or 3 sets, or how does it work? Thanks!

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January 03, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  It's a transceiver, so you can buy one unit for your camera and for each light you intend on using. Or you can go for a minimum of two, and use optic slaves or some other means to trigger any other lights.

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January 03, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Robyn,
I have the Canon STE2 transmitter, and it will trigger both my 580 and 430 (set as slave) flashes, or I can mount the 580 and set it as master and set my 430 as slave and trigger them that way. I have yet to try this with a third speedlight but I think it will trigger all of them that are set as slave.
I use the Carl Buff transmitters and receivers for my Alien Bees, and although I anticipated buying Pocket Wizards, so far I have not seen it as a necessity as my current ones work fine for my limited usage. If you are doing a lot more studio shooting, I think the Pocket Wizards would be a worthwhile investment. BTW, if I was to buy wizards, I would go for the TT5's as well :)

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January 03, 2011


Robyn Gwilt
  Thanks, Greg and Carlton... So maybe I start with 2 of them... and take it from there. Thanks for your assistance - always on the button, you two! :)

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January 04, 2011

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  I also have the ST E2 transmitter, which I almost didn't buy because of bad reviews, but I bought it anyway and it works like a charm. I have a 580EX and two 430's - if you set them as slaves, the transmitter will fire them every time. I went with the ST E2 simply because it was cheaper, but it works great.

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January 06, 2011

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