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Brad Harding

Extension Tubes for Nikon D300

I have a Nikon D300 and a Tokina AT-X 100 PRO D AF 100mm f2.8 macro lense. I am interested in getting even closer to subjects and wondered what other options are there for this camera besides extension tubes. I have heard if bellows, and a reverse mount for a lense. Has anyone had success with any of these methods with the D300?

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August 24, 2010


Bob Cammarata
  Yes... reversing rings, extension tubes and bellows assemblies work well with the D300, as long as the lens mount is the same. I use all three quite often for my macro work. You will need to rely upon your own ability to use the manual settings on your camera though.

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August 24, 2010


Brad Harding
  Thanks Bob, do you have specific product recommendations for what you listed?

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August 24, 2010


Bob Cammarata
  My list includes the following:
Reversing Ring...Nikon BR-2A 52mm thread.
Bellows....Nikon PB-4 (No longer made but still available used on e-bay.)
Extension Tubes...Generic (Kenko, I think) in 12, 20, 36mm.

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August 25, 2010


Brad Harding
  Thanks for the info Bob.

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August 25, 2010


Thom Schoeller
  I also use the Kenco extensions. They work best on my 80-200.

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August 31, 2010

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