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Photography Question 

Chris rice

Digital Mats

I would just like a little input on digital mats. What do people think of them?

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June 06, 2010


Lynn R. Powers
  Hi Chris,
Digital mats are fine as long as they are not replacing bad photography. If you have a lousy background and good lighting on a model, use a plain mat. If you use a different scene, you must insure that the light is coming from the same direction as onto your subject.
I make a few of my own that include the moon, clouds (blurred and sharp), as well as plain solid and graduated mats.
I have seen one photographer who offers his flower photos using the same photo with different colored mats so people can pick the one they like or will work best in their home.
Just don't use them as a substitute for good photography.

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June 09, 2010

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