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Photography Question 

Nicola Gonzalez

Large group portrait...what lens?

What is the best lens to use for a large group portrait with 21 people? I plan on staggering everyone and placing them in an arc so they are all around the same distance from the camera, but I want to be certain everyone is in focus.

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March 29, 2010


John H. Siskin
  Hi Nicola,
The size of the lens depends on where you have to stand. I would avoid any extreme wide-angle as it will distort the people on the edges. Also, if you have a group this large, you are better off if you have them stand in different levels. So you can have a row seated. A row of short people and a row of tall people, or you can use risers for the back row. A single long row generally doesn’t work well.

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April 02, 2010


Nicola Gonzalez
  I plan on having some standing, some kneeling and some sitting so the group won't be really wide.

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April 02, 2010


John H. Siskin
  Hi Nicola,
So, if you have a full-frame sensor, you might be able to use a 35mm lens. You should avoid anything wider. A smaller sensor could use a wider lens.

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April 02, 2010

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