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Photography Question 

Dee Haugen

Framing Large Pictures

I am hoping I might get some insight on prints and framing. I have what I think is an incredible shot that I want to frame big. Do any of you have any suggestions on great framers - and a reasonable cost is also something I'm trying to find. I usually use MPIX, but they don't have super large framing. I have the 5D Mark II, so quality is good enough to go big. I'm not sure what I mean by big, but I am thinking gallery type. I had even thought about the metal prints. But at least 40x60. Maybe I can get some opinions from some of you... Thanks in advance.

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March 21, 2010


John H. Siskin
  Hi Dee,
I wrote an article a while ago about framing. It might help: I think you are going to have to find a local supplier if you want to go that large, since shipping a piece of glass in that size would add a lot of cost. I use a wholesale outfit: Valley Moulding and Frame. They are good, but you need to buy in some quantity to really get a good price.

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March 21, 2010

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