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Photography Question 

Karen A. Jack

How to Remove Date Stamp

I have some really nice photos, but unfortunately the orange date stamp on them spoils them. Is there any way I can easily remove this? Thanks for any info.

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May 07, 2006


Tamera S. Phillips
  Do you have the smart erase option?

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May 07, 2006


Karen A. Jack
  Thanks for replying to my question Tamera. I do have smart erase, but it still means I've to fill in the numbers as it leaves checked background. I've not used Adobe Photoshop much, so I'm maybe missing something. Any help would be much appreciated.



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May 08, 2006


Paul Tobeck
  The best way to tackle this would be to use the clone stamp tool. First, duplicate the background layer, since you never want to work directly on your original. Make sure your new layer is highlighted, then select the clone stamp tool. In the Options bar at the top, set the blend mode to Darken (if the date stamp is lighter than the rest of the picture, Lighten blend mode if it is darker) and the opacity to 50%. ALT/click on an area near the date stamp that matches the overall background, and slowly build up the cloned pixels over the numbers. The Darken blend mode means the clone stamp will only affect pixels lighter than the sampled area. If, after going over the area several times, you can still see the edges where the numbers were, up the opacity to 75-80% and go over it again. Once you're satisfied with the repair, save the image with the layers intact (.psd), or duplicate the image, flatten it and save as a .jpeg or .tiff.

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May 08, 2006


Dennis H. Hernet
  Whatever you do, Make a copy of your original photo FIRST ... It's something to go back to if your "experimentation" creates something unusable.
While the Cline Stamp Tool is great (probably the best way to go), I have also used the "healing" tool.
Also, have you check about shutting off the "dating" feature on your camera. I did it on one of mine.

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May 09, 2006


Paul Tobeck
  One point to remember with the healing brush is that it pulls from the colors surrounding the click to "heal" the spot, so it will pull the orangish-yellow color from the surrounding numbers in the date stamp if you're not careful.

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May 09, 2006


Gianna Stadelmyer
  I don't see if you mentioned if you are shooting with digital or film. I know that most digital cameras allow you to set whether or not you want the date stamp to show in the menu options. It won't help for photos that already have this on them, but it will help for future photos and save lots of time.

Nice instructions Paul and Dennis! Very good to know that for more than just date stamps:)

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May 09, 2006


Karen A. Jack
  Thanks for your help everybody. The Clone Stamp seems to work best. Wish I'd never put the date stamp on! Live and learn eh?



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May 09, 2006


Maxim Synapse
  To remove date stamp from photos you need to use Inpaint

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February 19, 2012

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