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Sand And Shadows

Sand And Shadows
Shot at the Newport Beach Pier at sundown. Another large format film shot of coastal scenes I have been working on for the last three months. The lab guys added just the perfect amount of ferricyanide and time on this image.
Lonnie M. Scott
Chris N. Sweet |
Another beauty from the Linhof! I would love a medium/large format, I will have to make do with shooting my d90 at iso 1600 and converting! And using fuji neopan in my film bodies of course (35mm) :-(
January 02, 2011
Lonnie M. Scott |
Thanks again Chris!! I do have good film cameras and lenses but I give a whole lot of credit to my lab and my film choices. I only use Ilford Delta 100 & 400 sheet & roll and sometimes HP4 Plus. Ilford is totally unsurpassed in exceptions!! You can buy medium and large format cameras now dirt cheap....Hasselblad, Mamiya,Linhof etc and lenses to boot. are doing a great job in my opinion with your cameras. Keep up the great work and LONG LIVE FILM!!!!!!!
January 02, 2011
Karen Celella |
Beautiful, Lonnie and congratulations on your feature!
January 05, 2011
Dianna Murphy |
congratulations on your Photo Flash feature.
January 05, 2011
Rona L. Schwarz |
Congrats on being featured in PhotoFlash, Lonnie! This is such a creative capture of light - love the patterns on the sand cast by the long shadows. Almost makes me want to get into medium/large format film cameras!
January 05, 2011
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