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Blues Sax |
Donna M. Marino |
Do you mind my asking what your camera settings were (if you remember)? And, did you use an AFTER film grain effect? Very nice composition.
BetterPhoto Member |
Hi Donna. They were: f/5.6, 1/50 seconds, no flash, ISO 1250, Auto white balance, 255.00 mm, Model Canon 1DMKll. The only post processing is conversion to B/W. I don't believe I added grain effect in post. The grain is more likely noise from the high ISO, but I thought it added to the feel of the late-night blues session Thanks for your feedback.
Dianna Murphy |
Congratulations on your feature in todays Photoflash! Love the comp.
BetterPhoto Member |
Dianna, Thanks...I have enjoyed your work here and appreciate your opinion and the congrats.
Katarina Mansson |
Excellent capture and treatment here! Love the old feeling you transmit.
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