![]() Jeanna Dalton |
International library of photography I'll let you know if I get the book by the end of the month! I'm keeping my fingers crosses!!!!!! Jeanna
Jon Close |
Michelle Marsan |
Jeanna, I totally understand your frustration! I too found these comments after I had sent my money in for my book. I did eventually get the book a year and a half after I sent in the money. I was able to call them at (410) 363-4800 and they did have me on record and was finally able to give me a definite date when it would be released. Good luck!
Tausha Gittemeier |
Jeanna, I too have a photo due out in Endless Journeys. Every time I call or receive something in the mail from them. The release date for this book keeps changing. I have been told May, June, & Sept. I recently sent in another photo and guess what? I got a notice that it too would be in Endless Journeys. (Even though these photos were sent in 5 months apart) I too am frusterated and believe something is fishy. I will keep you posted if I get my book, let me know on your end too. Good Luck, Tausha
Nic Porter |
Nic Porter |
I'm from the uk and I think it is weird, my photo that I had sent into picture.com had got through to the finals and the last I heard of it was in december to let me know how far I got and that it was going to be published in a book called spirits in the night and also the publication has been postponed several times and then when I take a look on the website its going to be published in an another book!!! which aint due out for a long time! as a student I cannot afford these books which is anoying I think they are way over priced!!! all I want to know is where I stand in the competition I would like to win as it would be a great leap into the photography career that I want!! I find it so frustrating that they could mess people around like this. personally I think the website should be closed!!! if anyone could answer my queries please inform me at nicporter85@hotmail.com , thanks, all this info has been alot more help than the site itself, regards nic porter
Lisa Young |
I did buy one of the books once that had my first entry in it and did get the book, but I think it was many months past the publish date they had given me. I had totally forgotten about it until it came in the mail. So yours should arrive, just probably quite late. Lisa
Richmond McDonald |
please keep me informed as well... admin@christywild.com. I also paid for two copies... was pround of doing a pic that was not for an adult theme. will soon look into ways of getting back my investment with interesting web tatics... if I do not hear anything.
Richmond McDonald |
also just foumnd this # 410-356-2000
Jeanna Dalton |
Well, it is June and it is half way over. They said that the book would be out in May, so if Lisa is right, then it may still be coming, I hope. Anyway, I will keep you all informed as to when I get it, if..... Jeanna
Gianna Stadelmyer |
I am to be published in Endless Journeys as well, but after reading the comments here, when I got their many offers of the book and the big convention with a huge prize and whatnot, I threw them in the trash. I kept the little slip of paper saying and showing that I was "published" and that is all. Seems odd to me you have to shell out SO MUCH MONEY for a book they are using YOUR photo in. Don't publishers usually pay you? Ihave a photo coming out in an issue of PhotoGraphic magazine soon and THEY paid ME $25 for it..... Something'w quite fishy. Maybe the book's title has something to say about how long it will take to get to you LOL! Hope you get it soon!!!! Good luck and congrats for getting published:-)
Dawn |
I SEVERAL years ago submitted a photo, that I got the several letters too about that stated "you've been published" blah, blah, blah. I decided I didnt want to spend $25.00 on the book.......know why??? cause you can check it out at your local library!!! My local library has these books and I looked at my published picture there. For those that were looking for an address, here it is: The International Library of Photography I suggest if you are getting the run around to contact the better business bureau. If there are enough complaints about this company, they will investigate. Also, this companies email address is: www.picture.com Good luck to everyone
Jessyel T. Gonzalez |
You're right Dawn. I too have been published a couple of times now, and I NEVER buy the book through them. I always buy on Amazon.com (and once on eBay actually). The Amazon price is almost $70, but you know it will arrive on time because it's from Amazon. This newest issue, "Endless Journeys" won't be released until probably November 2004, so no need to order from them. Order from Amazon or B&N.
Richmond McDonald |
i did speak to a Beth, and was told it is all good, but I did not like her attitude, especially when I informed her of the bad rep they were getting, and that maybe they should contact people. I will hold my peace intil SEP. maybe some where should start collecting emails of us, so we can work together if we need to. mine is rich@christywild.com
Jagrut Raval |
hey guys I also got a mail saying they are going to publish my pic in the book called endless journeys. actually I am from india and they hadnt listed the name of my country in the entry form so I gave the name and address of my sister who lives in connecticut. but wht do u guys suggest should I book it right now or buy it when its in market? thanks
David A. Richardson |
Surprise Surprise...I also have a pic published in the almost legendary "Endless Journeys" I refused to shell out the $70 they wanted because, like a few others here, I reckoned they should be paying me for the privilege of my photo. I also figured that since they never asked me for a high resolution version of my image and used the vastly reduced copy I uploaded to the site they final image would be very poor, or tiny. I think the book will be nothing but a catalogue of thumbnail pictures approx 3inches by 3 inches. I was contacted by another publisher who's going to pay my $50 per image and use 8 in total (including one on the front cover). They requested huge files (approx 30-40mb) per image for high quality. Endless journeys never did. I never paid them any money for their book and don't intend to. I'd advise no one to buy this book without seeing it first. It seems to me that they select photos and guarantee themselves a market before publishing by offering the book at reduced prices to the authors/photographers. Somthing not quite right abouth that I think!!!
Sorry to hear...Be happy! I got a letter saying that they will show my picture on a big screen in Wash. DC convention and asked me to pay $270.00 This is apart from the routine money for the so-called "Endless Journey"...I didnot respond to them as of today...No more mails/emails ..... Before I try again, I just want to make sure thatits not a scam, trying to exploit our eagerness to show our talent to wider audience... Good Luck!
Michael Brown |
I simply sit here, ................ shaking my head in amazement!!! Mike
Julie Brady |
Well, I actually paid the International Society of Photographers more than $70! My check for $102.95 was sent in August 2003 for "Endless Journeys" that was supposed to be published in Fall 2003. Next letter I got said Summer 2004. Now, from research through www.picture.com, it says September 2004. But, when I find my picture on www.picture.com and select the book icon, it does NOT say my picture is scheduled for publishing in "Endless Journeys." Sounds pretty fishy to me!!
Annette C. Henne |
Wow!!! I sure am happy I ran into this page. I too will be published in Endless Journeys. (suprise huh) I never sent money in because I could not understand why I have to pay to publish my pic. Thanks everyone for your comments yall really made up my mind about buying this book Annette
Michelle Marsan |
FYI Everyone... I hate to be the bearer of bad news... I got the notice that my picture was to be pulbished and I spent the money (foolishly) to get teh book, however, a friend of mine also got notified that she would be published in the same book, but didn't buy one. Guess what... my picture was there... her's was not. I guess the only way to get published by these people is to buy your way into a book. Makes the whole process feel cheap!
lyn winans |
Me too ... I even got a winner's medallion in the mail ! I am not shelling out for the book though ! Haven't heard anything since, LOL ! Does anyone actually HAVE a copy of Endless Journeys ?
Jessyel T. Gonzalez |
I thought it was supposed to come out in September...
Lynn Griswold |
I'm new here and i'm really glad I found this site :) I submitted a photo to picture.com as well. I got a letter stating that my photo had advanced to "semi-finalist" and that it would be published in "Endless Journeys" as well! I didnt NOT order the book, I just initialled the paper for permission to print it and thats all. I'm glad I read all this before I let them reel me into something outrageous. I read all the statements on this issue with picture.com. And I am so glad I did. You all seem like a bunch of nice people here, from the things I have read. I will definitely visit this site on a daily basis.... :)
Ann M. R |
I am New Member here as well, and it looks like many of us have been snared by Picture.com. I have gotten a book from them with one of my photos in it, but I paid out the nose for the book. It must be a scam, because every photo that I have sent in has been in the finals. Poetry.com is the same and probably done by the same people. They should be investigated and stopped from praying on innocent people.
- Carolyn M. Fletcher![]() ![]() Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
I guess from this thread, you all should know by now that EVERY shot sent in gets the same treatment. Test it out. Send in something truly awful and watch what happens. I'm betting it will be a winner.
Ann M. R |
That is very true. They do all get the same treatment no matter what, bad or good. Pretty much who ever pays for the book gets their photo in it no matter how good or bad it is. I have seen it first hand. Also you might have more than one photo scheduled to be in the same title book but only one of them will appear in it, because they want you to pay for each photo to be in a seprate book. That is just messed up. Just take a look at my photos there under Ann Rainey. Every one of mine were OKed to be published if I wanted to pay the price for each one.
Allen Kimble, jr. |
Is this where business in America headed to? Must everything be based on trickery or a scam? Little wonder other countries we'ver previously looked down on are replacing us in the market place. Allen in Phoenix
- Gregory LaGrange![]() Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
You think this dosen't happen anywhere else? It's not really a true scam anyway. You do eventually get the book. They just use people's egos to sell them.
Dmitry |
I am also in the same boat as you guys/gals. HOWEVER. Me submitting a photo to picture.com does not give them the right to publish it and make money off me and or anyone else. They gave me all the crap about winning and being a finalist and being published. The photos are tiny and this whole company is a scam to rape people out of money for their own pictures. My next step is to contact a copyright attorney and see what sort of compensation I can expect from picture.com, as most of you might already know ANY photo you take is instantly protected by copyright laws up to $150,000. Anything that is actually registered can be more. Nowhere in the submission process did picture .com ask and or receive permission to publish my photo. This is why I am planning on taking this to court if my photo is published and sold for profit. Are there any lawyers/ pro photographers on here that might be able to shed some light on this? Do they publish without consent. Or will they only publish if you pay them. I have not returned any of their Mailings and am not planning on it. I will wait for the book to come out and look at it at the library to see if I have a case.
Brigitte C. Fleming |
i just wanted to thank efverybody for there comments b/c just like everybody eles I was going to be in the book to but I asked for it for christmas so its a good thing I looked on this site thanx so much-brigitte
Kasia A. Kieca |
Wow! I am so glad I found betterphoto.com! First I submitted my photo in picture.com and then I ran into this question and after reading all the answers I checked back to my photo on picture.com and believe it or not it says my picture is gonna be published in endless journeys? I submitted my picture on august 31st and it says the book will be released in september? I dont see how that would work...Anyway, I think they should ask people if they can publish their pictures in their books before they do. I never even got any e-mails or anything saying I won anything or that I would be published! And the book is so expensive! I understand if maybe it was a themed book with big pictures in it and writing etc...but if so many pictures are gonna be published they can;t be too big(like someone said in one of the feedbacks)It's really wierd...oh well I don't think i'll be submitting anymore pictures to picture.com. Thank you everyone for bringing this up, I never wouldve known!
Louison Rousseau |
To me it is pretty obvious they want to use our self pride and self-consciousness so that WE pay for the book THEY will be making money with. I was curious as to how they could offer $60,000 in prizes without charging anything to participate, so I sent one shot, only one, and I too was a "winner". My photo is due to appear in this same book. However, the documentation they send shows other books they've published, open on a coffee table. I looked carefully at those and saw that 1) some photos are very ordinary and 2) these books are merely photo albums of rather small versions of photos (probably 2x3 inches), without comments, only captions including the names of photographers and maybe their country of origin (I don't remember, I threw all that to the trash). It is quite obvious how they can offer, and mostly make money and how they are using people's desire to become known to make this money. WE pay so that THEY can publish and make money out of it. That's probably why publication gets postponed all the time: they wait until they get enough money from the photographers to print the books (and I wouldn't be surprised that they don't really give out any prizes at all). Same with the convention: we (would) pay (dearly) to be celebrated among a bunch of other celebrated photographers. No recognition there: everyone is there for themselves. Good strategy on their part, but let's not be fooled, guys!
Julie Brady |
Ann M. R |
Just to warn all of you, Poetry.com is the same people and also do the same thing as Photo.com. So beware!!! You can check it out your self. ;)
Louis A. |
I sit here in utter amazement!So much so that it propmted me to call pictures.com, I was advised by their ill mannered customer service agent that the book will be published in January or Febuary WHAT A CROCK OF B.S.! I asked for a manager, and was told there are NO MANAGERS avaiable!...no managers in a call center?! BEWARE FOLKS....Something Stinks @ pictures.com!
Ann M. R |
Yes they do have to have your Ok to publish your works but it will only be published as far as I know, if you pay for it. Beware!!!!!!
Ann M. R |
Photo.com,International Library of Photography, Poetry.com,& International Libary of Poetry, are all the same people/ SCAM. Yes they do have to have your Ok to publish your works but it will only be published as far as I know, if you pay for it. Beware!!!!!!
Louison Rousseau |
And, everything said here strongly suggests that these books are only sold to the authors!
Ann M. R |
That's right. You only get it or see it if you buy it.
Louison Rousseau |
AND, you can only buy it if you have at least one photo in it! It's only a hypothesis, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Ann M. R |
Yes, only if you have a photo in it as far as I know. It would be interesting to know if anyone could buy one even if they don't have a photo in it. ? They say that if some one buys any of their products with your photo or poetry in or on it, that you are suppose to get a small percentage of the sale. I have never seen any money coming in. ?
Richmond McDonald |
i recieved a refund today, I had asked them for it 2 weeks ago when I called to ask about the book that always gets pushed back... when I was told it was pushed again, I asked for a refund and was told very quickly, no problem... allow for 6 weeks, it took two. i have somewhat restored faith in this company now, that they did refund me proptly. I told them at the time I requested my refund that I was still interested in buying the book when it gets published. rich
- Gregory LaGrange![]() Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
They're not going to turn down anybody that wants to buy the book. You don't have to have a picture in it.
Stephanie M. Roberts |
I too am another victim to this scam but I havent sent them any money but my family members have. Ive searched all the bookstores local and internet and can not find the book Endless Journey anywhere and my local library has never heard of it as a photography collection book. So does anyone actually have this book?
Ann M. R |
AKA/international library of photography. The second is from: Poetry.com/AKA/international library of poetry.
Liz F. Barnhart |
I sure hope its not a scam My hisband told me it was and I said NO he will be in it well here we are 1 years later and no book my son to should be in ENDLESS JOURNEY's it makes me mad because I do call them atleast 4 times now because I have all my reciepts and it says that my photo hasnt been chosen yet on their site and when I call they say oh you are in it we have you here and the site still hasnt corrected it. Well the said September and now its October if its not here by Christmas I to will get my money back.
Ann M. R |
Tell me it's not a SCAM?? All of my photo's that I have ever posted there since 2001, all 15 of them, are still there. Two that are the same because of an accident thinking they didn't get it and it go posted twice. And the other one that was published in the book you see above called "Pathway to The Future" published in 2001. Now all of these pictures are suppose to be or say they are scheduled to be published in ENDLESS JOURNEY's. You tell me if something sounds a miss here. Sounds very funny to me. I am sure you will get your book, because I did. But you are only being put in it because you paid for it. It's kind of like the difference between a lagit Talent Agent and one that's not. If they ask for money up front, they are Not Lagit!!
Liz F. Barnhart |
Liz http://www.picture.com/pics2/141/1467099.jpg
Lillian D. Parker |
My sister in-law recently, in May was told her photograph would be published in "Endless Journeys" . I think it's awful what they are doing getting peoples hopes up. Especially using their personal pictures to do it.
Nic Porter |
it is a scam I entered an image in 2003 and was told I was a finalist etc etc and that my image was going to be published but I didnt send any money as I was suspicous of sneding so much as I am a student. I also was messing around on another site about poetry and funnily enough I recieved a letter a year later saying to me that I was a finalist in a competition but when I checked the address.....it was exactly the same as the address on the the letter I recieved from picture.com it all a scam and we should aim to get this website and any other they are running closed down!!!!
Nic Porter |
www.poetry.com check it for your selves
Glinda R. Shipley |
It is not exactly a scam. If you go to BBB.org you will find that most complaints are settled. It takes so long to get your book because they have to get enough "vanity customers" to submit the payments to get the photos in the book. They have published every book they ever stated. So if you want to see your photo published as several people have, then great. It is really only for you. You will need to wait up to two years in some cases. This is a vanity publisher and you can get all the info you need at BBB.org. I say buy the book (if you want to be published) and set a reminder in a year or so to follow up. Otherwise, go another route.
Mandy Di Bianca |
I bought one of there books, I had NO trouble at all... I bought it for my 7 year old, who was 4 months when the picture was taken. I think its a neat little gift to pass down to your children...
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