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what does ASA stand for

what does ASA stand for?

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February 20, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  American Standards Association. Replaced by ISO - International Standards Organization.

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February 20, 2002


John A. Lind
  A clarification:

ISO has replaced ASA for film speeds. In Europe, it replaced DIN. DIN = Deutsche Industrie Normal, the German organization akin to ASA and a de facto European standards organization. The equivalent DIN film speed number can still be found on film boxes. On Kodak's film boxes, the "EI" or "ISO" number is followed by a slash and a smaller number with a degree symbol. This is the DIN speed rating.

The exact method for measuring film speed is slightly different between ISO and ASA, but for practical use, the speed number resulting from it is the same.

ISO has not replaced ASA as an organization though. In 1969, ASA changed its name to ANSI (American National Standards Institute) which still exists:

AFIK, DIN still exists also. Various national standards organizations collaborate to create ISO standards.

-- John

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February 23, 2002


Miguel A. Giron
  Hi John:
Just wanted to say that DIN stands for:



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April 25, 2002

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