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Photography Question 

Sherry L. Davis

Photography Laureates

I got a letter from the International Society of Photographers and am happy that I read about the scam in here. What about Photo Laureates? From what I can find so far, they are legitimate. But, I just wanted to see if anyone knew anything about it. Thanks! Sherry

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February 23, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  Same story, different title.

I'm not positive, but I think I read somewhere that they are actually run by the same people.

There's also one for pictures of pets - you may get that letter next.

Chris A. Vedros

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February 23, 2007


Sherry L. Davis
  Thank you Chris. That's a shame about the scams!

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February 23, 2007


Nichole L. Atwell
  i also got some info about my photo winning from these ppl, I think they are the same folks as .. the prices for their 'book' is the same and pretty much everything about them is the same M.O. as .. beware!

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March 14, 2007


Sherry L. Davis
Hi. Thank you! Yeah, it is apparently. It's a shame it's not what it appears!

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March 14, 2007


John Warton
  Hello this is John Warton from Photo Laureates. I welcome you on where you will see how I evaluate photographs. You will see all my reviews and annotations on all photographs. We also have a brand new live webinar with hundreds of amateur photographers each week. This is a very exciting call with the community and all learn a lot. It would be my pleasure to have you on the site/call so we discuss about photography. Thank you. Best regards. John Warton.

PS – I will not do any more postings on this forum at this time but welcome you on my site, so we talk about nothing else than photography. Thank you for respecting this.

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March 18, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  If anybody from here goes to your webinar it will be only to say what the vanity press is about and blow that whole routine right out the water.

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March 18, 2008


John Warton Warton
  Hello this is John Warton from Photo Laureates.

I welcome you on where you will see how I evaluate photographs. You will see all my reviews and annotations on all photographs. We also have a brand new live Webinar with hundreds of amateur photographers each week. This is a very exciting call with the community and all learn a lot. It would be my pleasure to have you on the site/call so we discuss about photography.

To sceptics: please come and join to see how I evaluate photographs. Let us debate photography based on actual concrete reviews. Again, this is a community of amateur photographers so I am not expecting all shots to be publishable on National geographic. I value originality and creativity.

I am also pleased to know that we receive dozens of positive testimonials from happy laureates receiving their hard cover manuscript. Here are a few:

“John, Thank you so much for this beautiful manuscript. I was amazed by the originality and creativity of other fellow amateur photographers. Joining and interacting with you on the photo challenge as part of monthly contests has been very instructive. Thank you for all!” -- Anna. Mo., Colorado

“Laureates Team – Wow, what a nice book! I now display it on our little coffee table and friends and family give me kudos for my nomination. I feel proud to be next to the other nice photographs in this book” – Peter Sa., New York

We experimented with a new approach to personalizing books with a full page feature and the vast majority of members are quite happy with it. We will continue to track feedback to see if we continue to personalize with full page features or not.

I once again would like to thank the amateur photography community for their participation.

My best regards to all – John Warton

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July 20, 2008


Tom Recklein
  Dear Mr. Warton,

I am currently waiting for shipment of two of your books I ordered in June 2008??? Sol in your help department initially told me things were on schedule, but he has not responded to my latest inquiries. My order seems to be stuck at the 99.2% production completion stage. If this is not a scam, then ship the books or refund the $115 you so quickly took.

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February 26, 2009

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Mr. Warton, if you read all the threads on this QnA telling about how your groups have treated people, you would be ashamed to show yourself here. And you should be ashamed.

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February 26, 2009

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Somehow, I don't think he'll's been over 6 months and he joined BP on the day he replied to this forum. And he's not a member and probably doesn't even know about this forum thread. :-) I certainly agree with you, Carolyn..sadly, too many people will spend $$s because their photo is the "best in show!"

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February 26, 2009

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