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Photography Question 

Carolynn Bennett

Remove reflection from revolving glass door

  Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building

Carolynn Bennett

I took a picture of a glass door of the Chrysler Building, which looks great except for the reflection of a parked car in the glass. What's the best way to remove the reflection?

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September 12, 2006


Sharon Day
  I'm afraid I don't know of any way to remove the reflection. For future reference, you could have avoided most of it by using a polarizing filter on your lens.

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September 12, 2006


John Rhodes
Carolynn, If you use a photo editing program like PS elements, you can use the eyedropper tool to select a shade from the darked portion of the glass,then select the entire pane you want to remove the reflection from and choose "fill selection" from the edit menu. I worke with the very small thumbnail for a couple of minutes. You should have much greated success with the full image.

Good luck

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September 12, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  I figure it's possible if you really know what you're doing in Photoshop (photoshop is what I know so I will talk about it as opposed to something else).

I use Adobe Photoshop CS though I'm sure a newer version of elements might have it, but I use the clone tool and healing brush. The difference between the two is that the healing brush blends destination to origin and the clone is a direct transfer. It's a little complicated but if you're really determined, you could practice on another photo to see how it works and then go for it.

Good luck!


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September 20, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  I just looked at the photo again and I'm thinking that unless you have a really good knowledge of what was inside that door, you might have to clone parts from other windows that don't have the reflection. Also, rejoice in knowing that most other people won't know what should have been there so you may be able to fool them.

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September 20, 2006


Carolynn Bennett

Thanks for your suggestion using both the cloning and healing brush tools. I'm SLOWLY working my way thru CS2 and I will try these to see if I can eliminate the reflection of the parked car in the glass door of the Chrysler Building. It's a cool shot if only the car weren't there, so I think it's worth some time on my part to make it better.

I checked your premium gallery and I LOVE your B&W pics, which I plan to get into myself some day, but my favorite is Vertical Piping - it's just great.

Since you sometimes use a medium format camera, I'm assuming you are good.


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September 21, 2006

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