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BetterPhoto Member

Endless Journeys Book

Anyone know anything regarding this book? I have a picture to be on this book. I have not yet received anything, even after paying $70.00 in advance. This feels like a scam of sorts. Please feel free to email me if you know anything or would like to discuss... Cheers

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May 01, 2006


Todd Bennett

I have not been bitten but have read many of the complaints about these people and others. I did a Google search for "Endless Journeys" and the first thing on the list of search results was for the following link:


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May 01, 2006


Irene Troy
  I don't want to be rude; however, sometimes it really helps to do a topic search prior to posting a question. The issue of “Endless Journeys”; “Circle of Photographers” and other such groups has been covered extensively on this forum. The bottom line is that, yes, it is a scam and no, you should not send them any money.

This may raise some controversy; however, here is my two cents: compare your images to images appearing in magazines, online galleries, “real” galleries and the like. If your images fail to compare favorably; if your images are merely snapshots [hey, we all start someplace] or if they do not represent what you know - in your heart of hearts – to be pro quality; how likely do you think it is that a legitimate organization is going to publish your work? Of-course, there are exceptions to this rule. Some legitimate organizations do publish the work of up and coming new artists, even before the work is of the best. But, no legitimate organization that I know of is going to require you to purchase anything in order to publish your work. In many states in the USA, it is illegal to require a purchase in order to enter/win a contest of any type. If someone e-mails; snail mails; telephones, etc. out of the blue, unsolicited and says that they want to publish; promote; purchase your work and you are not already selling your work, well, I’d be really careful. Companies such as “Endless Journeys” try to appeal to our egos in order to get us to hand over our hard earned money – forget about them and work to get your work into the hands of a legitimate organization if publishing is in your plans.

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May 01, 2006


  Hear we go again...... I am so over this.

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May 01, 2006

- Craig m. Zacarelli

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Craig m. Zacarelli
Craig m. Zacarelli's Gallery
  Helter, youll get your book, it could be a year from now but you should get it sometime. According to the complaints here and on other threads, it takes them up to a full year to get the books made and shipped out. I suspect it takes along time to find enough people to actually buy the book and agree to let the pictures be published... Plus I suspect the book needs to make $$$ for picture . com

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May 02, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  I have a photo in Frozen In Time, that took probably two years to get to me. Just last week I recieve another letter about having a photo in Endless Journeys, so they have not finished collecting photos.

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May 07, 2006


Karen L. Murray
  I entered a photo contest on They asked for more photos. When I checked out my photo ... I saw that it could be bought with the purchase of Endless Journeys.

What the heck? I never sent money, but feel as if I was scammed!!!!

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August 01, 2007


Simon Stening
  yes, we were almost sucked into this one. my wife thought she was in for a winner here, esspecially with the letter saying your in for a chance to win $10,000. mmmmmmm. what about the book, this is suspicious, as they ask for your credit card details over the post, and dont garantee anything.

My advise to anyone who come accoss this web site is , "STAY AWAY", and what ever you do don't send them any money.

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August 14, 2007


Jakeline Sanchez
  hi,i also got a letter saying my picture was a winner and that I have to pay money..but I don't know what to do is it really a scam if anybody knows anything feel free to email me at thanks in advanced...

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August 15, 2007

- Michelle M. Peters

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michelle M. Peters
Michelle M. Peters's Gallery
  Its title is 'Endless Journeys' says it all!!!!!!!!!!


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August 15, 2007


  OK. The International Library of Photography AND are one and the same. They also have a poetry department (substitute the word 'poetry' for Photography and picture). I have entered two photos for the heck of it. I first had experience with them for poetry...after six contests and nothing more than 'buy our book' to show for it, I decided to see just how bad a poem had to be to NOT be picked. Apparently they take ANYTHING that is 20 lines or less. I tried it. I wrote a poem that went a little like this:

Poop, it's brown, can be moist or dry, nutty or creamy.
It smells like poop because it IS poop.
Poop, crap, sh*t, doo doo, kaka, doody, logs, squitrs, cling-ons, floaters, loafs, crapper rafts, john busters.
Yep, it's all poop.
poop, poop, poop, poop
poop, poop, poop, poop
It's all poop damn it.

This one still made it as an editors pick!
Come how bad can the photos be before they are rejected??? I am afraid to look.

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August 16, 2007


Heidi Rakas
  hmm, sounds like a scam.. I'm gonna put up a really crappy pic on that site and see how they like it.. who knows maybe i'll win 10k and have my pic purchased.. lol

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September 10, 2007


Brady A. Schwartz
  I received a letter about this book as well, consulted some family as well as did some research. Not worth the money I've heard. Best to pass on it...

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January 24, 2008


Colleen Farrell
  "Endless Journeys" = "Endless Forum Thread."

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January 24, 2008


Kyla M. Russell
Just today the exact place sent me a thing saying that my photo would appear in the book and I could buy it or not, but that, non-the-less, it will still be in "The book!" lol
Im soooooooo glad that I decided to look it up and make sure it was real!

I was really excited for while! Because I thought my picture was rather good! Hahaha I feel so stupid but relieved now!
So does that mean that is a bad site? lol

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March 24, 2008


Michael E. Chaney
  Frozen waterfall
Frozen waterfall
hike at old mans cave in Ohio

Michael E. Chaney

I too entered a Photo and got editors choice award for Frozen Waterfall , my photo is suppose to have been published, I could not get the book or the membership or go to Vegas to the awards. I am glad I did not , however I would like to know if I got published. Thanks Michael C

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October 08, 2008


Simon Stening
  Yes, this is a scam. Do not expect your $70 back. There is alot of information on this scam, just do a google search. sorry...

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October 20, 2008

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