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Rebel XT+mem cards

i am about to buy a digital rebel XT, a 18-55 I think is not a big enough lense, is there another one you would suggest. ill preobably buy the body only and im looking at a sigma 18-105. is this a good lense. what kind of memory cards does the XT use. are they SD or what.

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December 12, 2005


Brendan Knell
  I'm not sure about lenses, but the memory cards they use are CompactFlash type 1 and 2.

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December 12, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Josh: I assume you want a longer zoom, so you can fill the frame with a distant subject.

The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM might be a good choice. Check prices at

Regards, Peter Burian, Instructor,
Mastering The Digital Camera and Photography

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December 13, 2005


  im getting the body only for the XT, and I still want to be able to take a group picture. me and my cousins are touring DC in a limo, and I would like to get some pictures of us in the limo and all, but I wouldnt be able to with that lens, would I ? I think that would be a great lens if I got the kit lens. is sigma a good quality lens or is it cheap. I found this lens package

if this a good buy or do you think I want more zoom than 200.

this is a tamron, are they any good?
and what size memory card do you think I want.
thanx for all your help

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December 13, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Josh: No for the group shot, use the short lens you already have.

Both Sigma and Tamron are fine brands.


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December 13, 2005


Brendan Knell
  About the memory cards, how much do you want to spend? Are you going to be shooting in JPEG or RAW? Are you going to be shooting a ton without a place to download, or do you have a laptop(or something else) that you can download it to?

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December 13, 2005


  peter, I dont have a lens right now, im getting the body only, as of now that is, it mght change. I think id be shooting in the highest quality, which I htink is raw, right? I have a laptop but I brobaly wont downloads until the card is ful of if im about to go on a big trip or sumthing. if I got a 1GB and shot in raw, about how many pixures would I get onto the card? which of those 2 lense kits do you think I should get. Do I need a filter?
thnx for all your help

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December 14, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Yes, RAW is the highest quality, but keep in mind that with RAW, there is no in camera adjustments to the camera, which might mean more time on the computer, but RAW does have a lot of other advantages. In my manual it says that I could shoot 45 RAW images on a 1GB card, but the Rebel XT's sensor is a lot bigger than mine, and the photo's will take up more room. So go to Canon's website and check the online manual. Have you considered getting a Microdrive? In Ritz's catalog, 1GB CF cards are about 110$. But after a 20$ mail-in rebate you can get a 3GB Microdrive for 130$. About filters, what are you going to be shooting?

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December 14, 2005


  landscape, abstract, but lots of pictures of cool hing I see when im driving or pixures of my family, some of the musicals my sister is in. I guest what I would do with a point and shoot digital, but then I would aslo like landscape and abstace and wildlife.

so your saying if I shot in RAW and you get 45 pixures, but because the XT has a bigger sensor, I would only get, around 30.

and which lens kit do you suggest out of those two, or do you not suggest them.

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December 14, 2005


  i found this lens
28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 DI XR
its a tameron and it comes with a UV filter.

i think I like this one the best because I wont have to switch lens becausee of the distance away from the subjest. Is it any good?
do I need a camera bag?

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December 15, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Josh: Yes, that lens is fine.

With your camera, it provides the equivalent of 45mm to 480mm focal lengths. (In film photography terms.)

However, in terms of optical quality, a 70-300mm or 75-300mm zoom would probably be better. It's easier optically to design a 70-300mm zoom than a 28-300mm zoom.

That would give you the equivalent of 112-480mm zoom.

Regards, Peter Burian, Instructor,
Mastering The Digital Camera and Photography

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December 16, 2005


  so do you think that I want that 28-70 and then a 70-300 instead of a 28-300. thanx

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December 18, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Josh: Well, you already have an 18-55mm zoom, so I think you just need a telephoto zoom.

You might also want to check out the 50-200mm or 55-200mm zooms. (That would give you the equivalent of a 300mm focal length at the long end. Plenty for most people unless they often shoot at sports events.)

Smaller, lighter and less expensive. The Canon model is $209.

Regards, Peter Burian, Instructor,
Mastering The Digital Camera and Photography

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December 18, 2005


  im getting the body only, not the kit lense. and I shoot alot of sports pictures. but I think I will need more than 200mm. and what is this "equivelent", does this mean that if I get a 70-300mm then it would reallt gives me the zoom of a 90- 400mm or somting like that. I dont want to spend over $300 on a lens, mabye $350 if I have to. I want a 28mm through 300mm, I dont care if it is 2 lenses or 1 but I need a lense now. were going on the limo ride on the 27th or 28th of december and I need a lens and a camera. I found the camera I want, now I need to find the lens I want.

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December 18, 2005


Aaron Reyes
  dude. you should get the kit 18-55mm if it's not much more money. just to have it. I have a 28-105 and the 18 comes in handy when i'm indoors and can't back up any farther.
i'd look at the tamron (or was it tokina?) or the sigma 18-200mm. i've heard great things about those lenses from articles in magazines and online. that'll give you 29mm-350mm in full 35mm frame terms. that's an incredible range and sure you would be happy. you'll be disapointed if you don't go as wide as 18mm when you try to shoot indoors...
I can fit 114 RAW files on my rebel XT with 1GB CF and 80 RAW + JPEG. That number may vary slightly depending on what you shoot, but will be sure to get at least 100 shots on RAW. You'll probably find you don't want to shoot RAW all the time unless the white balance is looking a little wierd, or you're not sure you got the perfect exposure etc. I can get about 273 highest quality JPEGs on my XT and 1 GB cf. I have a 512MB card as well, but have only needed it during weddings or if i'm shooting a lot of RAW.
also, I wouldn't bother getting the most expensive CF cards (super extreme crazy fast). I have inexpensive lexars with slow transfer rates, and can still shoot MANY frames in a row without it slowing for a while. my XT shoots 3fps, but only after maybe 30 frames or so (JPEG) does the buffer get a little sluggish. even then, it'll shoot 1fps practically forever!

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December 20, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Josh: Yes, I would recommend the kit lens too ..... and one of the 70-300mm zooms if you shoot a lot of sports.

Regards, Peter Burian, Instructor,
Mastering The Digital Camera and Photography

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December 20, 2005


Aaron Reyes
  oh, you said "what's this equivelent about".
If you were using a 35mm film slr in the past then you'd be used to a 50mm looking a certain way. Because the sensor on an XT is smaller than a 35mm frame, only a smaller part of what comes through the lens will actually be captured. This makes the lens seem like it's zoomed out if you compair it to a 35mm. On the XT it's a factor of 1.6. So using a 50mm on the XT is like using an 80mm on a film camera (multiply 50 by 1.6). Nikon's DSLRs are a conversion of 1.5x. That's why many pro photographers, or people that like to shoot wide angle alot, like the canon 5D and 1Ds mark II. Because they are "full" frame (same size as 35mm).
That's why I said you'd be disapointed indoors if you didn't get something real wide.

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December 20, 2005


  im going to get the kit lense and then I want like a 70 or 75 through 300. which of these do you think is best


the only thing about all the fancy names that I get is the zoom part, and AF means autofocus, and IS means image stabalizer.
but what doesw all the USM stuff mean?

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December 20, 2005


Aaron Reyes
  ultra sonic motor
nicer quieter motor for focusing...
not too big of a deal. I have one with and one without. don't notice much of a difference in the noise.
i've used the 75-300mm and think it's a crap lens. it's not too bad at 200mm but looks like junk at 300mm IMO...
if I was getting a tele, i'd probably try to find a nice tamron maybe used out to 400mm. check out for some used lenses maybe?

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December 20, 2005


  do I need a lens hood. personally I think they make the lens look sweet. and about filters, do I need one. if so, what kind, UV or what. thanx

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December 22, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Lens hoods help reduce flare, so if you're shooting outdoors, yes a lens hood would be a good idea. About filters, it depends on what kind of shooting you're doing. If you do landscape, then a polarizer would be a good idea to beef up weak skys. If you want to do waterfalls, then a neutral density filter would be a good idea to help you get the slower shutterspeeds(especially in the middle of the day!). There are filters that some people just leave on their lenses to protect their lenses. The one I have is a Quantaray Skylight. I personally don't really use it, but I have a complete warranty on my camera(if anything on my camera breaks regardless of if it's my fault I just have to bring it back to Inkleys and they'll fix/replace it. They're expensive but well worth it, because I've done some very daring things that I would've never done without it). Also there's a lot of artistic ones(star for example) that you may want.

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December 22, 2005

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