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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Endless Journeys book

I also have just recieved this letter in the mail from about my photo winning to go into publication in Endless Journeys. My first thought was it sounds too good to be true. I sure am glad I found this site with all these similar stories to back up what I thought. Thanks everyone!!

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November 24, 2005

- Kim Strausbaugh

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kim Strausbaugh
Kim Strausbaugh's Gallery
  Email sent to "Library of Congress"

Question History:

Patron: Does the Library of Congress have the anthologies from The
International Library of Photography available for ordering?

Librarian 1: Thank you for your recent question to the Prints and Photographs

We receive many inquiries regarding the International Library of Photography.
Please be aware that we are not in any way affilitated with this group.

If the books are available for purchase, you should be able to contact a local
vendor, or order a copy of it over the internet. Please contact the
International Library of Photography directly if you have any questions
regarding their products or services.

Reference Section
Prints and Photographs Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, D.C. 20540-4730
telephone: 202-707-6394
fax: 202-707-6647
URL: < >
email: < >

To check the status or the history of your library question(s), go to:

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December 30, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Yeah, I got a copy of photography vibes in September for a photo I submitted in early 2004. STEAR CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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January 01, 2006

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