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Photography Question 


photography vibes book.

Hi ,
I entered for the photography contest and got the flattering letter that my photo was accepted for publication in Photography vibes. I came across this web site and realized the scam aspect of it.
My question is has anyone got a refund for canceling their order for the book?

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July 04, 2005


Dusty L. Sternadel
  Thank you so much for posting you question. I had the same thing happen to me tonight. I never heard of the magazine Photography Vibes and did a search on yahoo. The only site that came up was the one with your question. So thank you for helping me realize this was a scam. I had just ordered the book and when I read your question I quickly canceled it. So thank you again.

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September 22, 2005


I wish you all the best. It is almost 3 months now and I am still waiting for my refund! BUT I guess its a scam to make money from unsuspecting people like ourselves, so I should probably consider this as a lesson and not make the same mistake again.

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September 23, 2005

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