What I'd like to see is members use this photo ..."> What I'd like to see is members use this photo ..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Sharon Day

Tweak It 2

Just for fun, this shot could use some work. Dr. Silly is providing this image for us to "tweak."

What I'd like to see is members use this photo to manipulate, Photoshop it to death or just basic editing to make it better.

You will find a copy of the image in my pbase gallery and all you need to do to play with this photo is right click and copy it to your hard drive. Then when you're done post it here.

Please record the steps you take and the software you use so we can all learn from others. I will post my version later in the discussion.

Remember you must be fully signed into BP with your email address & password for uploads to work.

Looking forward to seeing what you all can do with Dr. Silly's image!


Please, if you don't enjoy Photoshop pass on this thread. We are not looking for the age old debate here on whether it's mortal sin to manipulate a photo.

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February 14, 2006


Sharon Day
I decided to go with a full blown impression on this one. I used Fantastic Machine's Paint Engine and just clicked random until I found an effect I liked. I also adjusted the color and levels of the pic.

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February 14, 2006


Gloria B. Wood
I decided to do an impressionistic rendering as well. I started with a touch of buzz. Then I returned to PS and applied spatter and increased saturation. I oversharpened then applied noise and poster edges.

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February 14, 2006


Gloria B. Wood
answer above

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February 14, 2006


Jay A. Grantham
  DrSilly Manipulation
DrSilly Manipulation

Jay A. Grantham

Inverted.. Increased Saturation.. Sharpened.

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February 14, 2006

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