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  1607 Questions
Last Activity
  Is the Canon EOS-3 for me?
Ok, here it is.I currently live on an isolated island in Indonesia... for my husband's job. I need a creative outlet here and have always been drawn to photography. I wish someday to make mon...
December 04, 2000
  800 film
I want to photograph a child doing gymnastics inside with a 35mm Minolta XGM using Fuji 800 film and zoom 75-200. No flash allowed. Have tripod. Inside lighting may be adequate - not sure. Don'...
October 29, 2000
  Settings With Flash
If I am using my hot shoe flash indoors or out, and I set the flash on automatic and the camera on manual, what do I set my aperture to? Do I set it at the # the graph on the back of the flash says...
October 28, 2000
  Why The Dark Pictures?
When using my Sony Mavica FD-90 in low light on mpeg mode the videos come out very dark. It seems to look okay when I view the results from my camera, but after loading them on to a viewing site (S...
October 28, 2000
  Cleaning Old Black and White Photos
I have several old (early 1900) family photos that are very dirty and I would like to know if it is possible to clean them so I can get a better quality reproduction of them?...
October 27, 2000
  Inkjet Printer Papers - Earth Friendly
Do you have any suggestions or can you point to a direction for finding inkjet printing papers that are manufactured with an environment-safe process and/or using recycled materials. I enjoy shooti...
January 17, 2001
I want to purchase a camera bracket that will move my flash to the side of my camera, not on top. Looking for something that will work on an Canon Elan II...
October 29, 2000
  Repairing Digital Photos
Is there any way to fix digital photos that are blurred....
October 27, 2000
I have a Canon AE-1 Program with three lenses: 50mm, 28-85 and 75-300. I'm looking to buying a Polarizing Filter for the 75-300. For the AE-1 Program, do I need to buy a Circular Polarizer or ...
October 27, 2000
Please rate the following schools in terms of their photography schools (please use a 1-10 scale system). Southern Illonois Uiversity at Carbondale, Western Kentucky, Bradley University (in Peoria,...
November 28, 2000
I have two Minolta cameras: 450 and 650. The dealer sold me Promaster Lenses telling me these are made by Tamron and they are as good or better than Tamron. He said they have a lifetime warranty. M...
October 31, 2000
  Adding Touches of Color to a Black and White Photo
In the Weekly Workshop #41, there is a picture titled, Cousins, by Jill Garl.It is a black and white photo that has a little color added to the hats and one of the girls jeans that she is wearing.C...
August 24, 2005
  Want to Upgrade To a More Professional Camera
Hi! I currently have a Canon AE-1, but I really want a camera that is more versatile and has more features. I'm looking at another Canon, but I am open to other options. Any recommendations? I ...
October 26, 2000
  Olympus To What????
I have an old Olympus OM-2 with all Zuiko lenses. I have a 28mm, a 50 mm f/1.4, and a 70-150 zoom (all ZUIKO). These are fantastic lenses. What camera, either Cannon or Nikon compares in terms o...
October 25, 2000
  What is the Best Point and Shoot Camera Available?
Which point and shoot camera is the best?...
October 25, 2000
  Developing Black and White Photos
I'm using black and white film and I would like to develop them myself. Could you tell me what kind of equipment I'll need and could you suggest any book that will help me. Thank you very m...
October 30, 2000
  Canon Lenses
I want to buy an addition to the basic consumer lens that I got with the Rebel 2000 kit. I can't decided between the 28-105 or the 75-300....
November 17, 2000
  Camera Differences: SLR vs. P&S Cameras
Are SLR cameras better then normal point and shoot?...
November 14, 2005
  Portrait Photography
If I would like to pursue starting a portrait photography buisness, do I need an expensive camera like the Hasselblad or can I use my 35mm and get just as good results that my costumers will be hap...
December 10, 2000
  Photography School
I am considering taking an at home photography course, it's like $900 and you can finish the course in 6 weeks. After you complete the course you get a certificate of Photography. Has any one u...
October 25, 2000