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  1607 Questions
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  Why do I require........?
Some questions from my photography class. 1. Why do color slides require a corrective filter for tungsten and flourescent light and color negative film doesn't? 2. How are additive colors ...
December 17, 2000
  How to Sell My Photos On Internet
How could I sell my photographs on the internet?...
December 03, 2000
  Developing At Home
Hi, I was looking to find information on how to develop my own photos as a hobby at home.thanks amanda...
December 02, 2000
  Shutter problem? Flash Problem?
I just bought a second hand Canon T70 and all the shots on the first roll I took where between 1/4 an 1/2 blacked out from the top. I read the answer about this being a flash sync problem but I too...
December 04, 2000
  Black and White Paper
Hi, my name is Patricia W. I'm 3 years in photography. I love black and white photography. I have a dark room so I print my own photos. My question is about paper. I'm using the Ilford cool...
December 18, 2000
  N70 and Film Change
How do I switch film on my N70 without rewinding film all of the way? And how do I get back to that frame when I put that old film back in? Thanks,Andrea. ...
December 04, 2000
  Canon EOS 300, Second Curtain Synchronization
Is second curtain synchronization available with Canon EOS 300 and does the Canon Speedlight 380EX use second curtain synchronization?...
December 04, 2000
  I Would Like To Post My Own Picture
I would like to submit my pictures. I have a Nikon f90x and don't know how submit photos....
December 01, 2000
  Limits of the Canon 75-300mm Lens
Can I use the IS function for sporting events such as basketball with more than 1 frame per second?...
December 04, 2000
  Polarizing Filters
When using a polarizing filter, my images always seem on the dark side and although the sky is a lovely deep blue, the foreground is far too black. What am I doing wrong?...
December 21, 2000
  Indoor Flash With People
When I take indoor flash pictures of people and then process in my PC with Corel 5 or even Adobe there is a reddish cast to everything. How can I get correct color registration? ...
November 30, 2000
  Minolta QTSi
I am thinking of buying a Minolta QTSi but am concerned about the fact that it decides everything for the user. In particular, can this camera...
December 08, 2000
  Different Filters Needed?
I shot a friend's wedding this summer, inside church, used Sunpak 4000 flash on Minolta 650si camera, AE, UV filter, with a 70-300 macro lens. The vibrant red carpeting did a color splash on t...
December 02, 2000
  Camera Confusion - Canon or Nikon ?
I am busy saving for a SLR at the moment. I used to own a Pentax K1000 and have taken many great shots with it. I enjoy wildlife photography, mainly bird photography. I have been looking at the EOS...
November 29, 2000
  Photographs Combining Night and Day
How do you combine day and night photography?...
November 29, 2000
  Pricing in the Photo Business
This question is to anyone. I noticed no one responds to "how much to charge" questions, I hope mine'll be different. I really liked John's comments (you responded to carrie in oct.), so I ...
December 02, 2000
  Foggy Photos - What's Wrong?
I've gone through 3 rolls of film and most of my photos are turning out foggy and bland. The people processing the film says it's underexposure. Now I'd like your opinions. Check out...
November 28, 2000
  Indoor Sporting Events/Lighting
While trying to take photos of my daughter's high school swim team in action, there is never enough light registering off the water. This is an indoor pool with lights of undetermined nature a...
December 02, 2000
  How to Use Flash Lighting At Night
I have a Canon EOS Elan II and 540ex speed light. Sometimes when I take a picture at night with the flash, the human face in the picture turns to white. I used automatic on every thing. So What sho...
December 02, 2000
  Consistent Spot On Lens
Hi! I'm having a circle-shaped spot consistently showing up on my shots of the past few days. The weird thing is that in the train shot I included (where the spot is just about the third teleph...
January 24, 2001