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  1607 Questions
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  Night Sports Photography
I have been asked to take pictures of the night high school football games. My action pictures are blurred. I am using a 35mm camera, a 75-200 zoom lens, and 800 film. The camera has settings fo...
October 01, 1999
  For the Mrs.
My wife, who has less experience than I, would like to get a camera that takes great pictures (auto w/manual override) and will take adult ed classes to help her. This would be a Christmas present ...
October 01, 1999
I am having a problem printing some pics and sending them by email. I would like to have a program that I can use to see my pics and do the other things with....
October 01, 1999
  Lighting illuminated signs
I am attempting to photograph illuminated signs which contain a series of individual lights. Because the lights are bright, the image comes out smeared, or too bright, or blurred around the lights....
October 01, 1999
  New SLR Camera for Weddings
My Pentax K-1000 and MX are great for my macro work but too slow when I shoot a wedding. I was thinking about buying the
October 01, 1999
  Quick Continuous Exposures
I am currently using an old Olympus OM1 and I am not able to take multiple shots very quickly of some of the wildlife I photograph. Is there an accessory for the OM1 for faster film advance or can ...
October 01, 1999
  Flash Photography
Explain fill-in flash photography using a non-dedicated flash and a manual meter SLR...Editor: [You seem to be asking How do I get an older manual camera and a flash that is not necessarily designe...
October 01, 1999
  Confused by Canon
I am looking to buy a Canon Elan II or IIe but a little confused about the eye controlled focus. Does the Elan IIe also have the three point focus system as seen in the Elan II?? or does the Elan I...
December 19, 1999
  Nature Photos in Alaska
I'm going to Alaska via cruise and would like to know about taking pictures of glaciers and snow because of its brightness. I have a polarizer and a Cokin lens set-up. I've read about a war...
October 01, 1999
  What digital cameras will work with my system?
I don't have a PC, instead I have a Philips Magnavox Webtv-plus internet terminal and I simply want to load pictures from a digital camera onto my email. I've heard that it works but can&#...
October 01, 1999
  Versatile Camera
I want a good quality and versatile (landscapes, people, etc) camera for about $US 250.What should I look at??...
October 01, 1999
  Macrophotography / Close-up
Which lens/flash should be used for macrophotography/closeup? ...
September 22, 2000
  Definition of TTL metering
What does TTL metering refer to?...
October 01, 1999
  Good Digital Camera
What type of digital camera is good?...
October 01, 1999
  Choosing a Nikon "F"
Do I go for a used F4s, a new F100 or save up for an F5. I'm also concerned about the heavy weight of those cameras....
October 01, 1999
  Back to School
I'm starting a Basic Photog. class in college and am required to buy a 35mm camera with interchangable lenses. My major is in computer image editing, so I need this class for my major. I will...
October 01, 1999
  Digital Imaging & Printing
I have a new Mavica FD91. Shooting at both 1024x768 & 640x480. When I try to print in 4x6 size or smaller the quality goes down to the cellar. Any suggestions?...
October 01, 1999
  SLR Dreaming'
I'm am a beginner with dreams of handling a 35mm SLR camera. What is a good beginner camera? I'd prefer a new camera that's around $200 - $300.Thanks....
October 01, 1999
  Which camera should I buy?
Which camera should I buy?...
October 01, 1999
  Getting Close to a Decision
I am interested in buying a new camera and have narrowed it down to the Canon's Rebel 2000 and the
October 01, 1999