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  1607 Questions
Last Activity
  Pictures Indoors
Our primary goal is to take pictures of our daughter in gymnastics competitions. The competitions are held indoors, prohibit the use of flashes, we have to sit in the stands, so we are probably ar...
October 01, 1999
  Taking Photos for Online Store
I am going to put together an online store and will be shooting photos of each image. My question is... What is the best way to do this? I want all the photos to have the same background and I have...
October 01, 1999
  B&W Night Photography
I want to know of ways to liven up my B&W city shots in the city at night because colour looks great but I want to learn how to use B&W to be able to bring the city alive with B&W I have a star eig...
October 01, 1999
  Best Camera for Under $650
What is the best camera body and lens I can buy for $650?...
October 01, 1999
Is Samsung a good brand? I am interested in the new Samsung 145 with a Schneider lens. Is the German lens worth the extra $30 dollars I'd spend to get it? Also, what is a low dispersion lens?...
August 01, 2000
  At a Modest Price
I want a modest priced 35mm SLR (i.e., Canon Rebel 2000,
October 01, 1999
  Optional lenses
The zoom lens on the Kodak DC265 works very well. Would I benefit by purchasing the optional wide/angle? In other words: how wide is wide? The telephoto lens seems like it would be the better way t...
October 01, 1999
  Exposure Mode Selecting
Last time I took pictures, I selected the programmed auto exposure modes, but all my pictures turned out green or did not come out at all. I selected Ps for Vari programms. Could I have had a wrong...
December 21, 1999
  Compact, High Quality Camera
What type of camera should I buy? I need a compact and love the quality and abilities of my Minolta x-700, but want something more simple and smaller. Hopefully $300 or less....
October 01, 1999
  Darkroom - contrast filters
Tell me about contrast filters. What colors make more contrast? What colors make less?...
April 03, 2000
  Night Photography
I have been trying to take a decent photo of the moon - have read a lot about astrophotography etc on the internet, but can't find *specific* settings anywhere - as I am really struggling to ge...
December 30, 1999
  Lens for Olympus is-20
Actually, I don't need a camera since I am happy with the one I have (an Olympus is-20 dlx). however, I need your advice concerning I was walking in front of a photographic equipment...
October 01, 1999
  A bubble level (& "a thing that tells time")
I'm looking into buying a tripod and in doing my research. I'm confused by the term "bubble level" What is this and do I need a tripod with a bubble level?Any other information you could g...
January 09, 2000
  Depth of Field
Could you explain WHY aperture relates to depth of field? I understand that with a smaller opening, the depth of field is enhanced, but WHY does this happen? I don't understand technically ho...
July 26, 2000
I recently bought a Tamron 2x TC for my Nikon 80-200 2.8D lens. Shooting with Fuji 400 slide film I got underexposed pics and it never quite focused properly. What would you recommend?1. Should I...
October 01, 1999
  Replacement Point & Shoot
My wife's point-and-shoot recently died, and we need to replace it. We both enjoyed its ease of use, but I never managed to get the flexibility I needed for serious photography (e.g. low light...
October 01, 1999
  EV vs. f-stop
What is the difference between an EV and an f/stop? I have a Canon A2E which allows me to make +/- EV adjustments after the initial meter reading, but how does this differ from an f/stop?I've r...
July 27, 2000
  Camera for the Girlfriend
My girlfriend is a novice photographer. She wants a new camera, something beyond the basic auto-focus camera. I don't know what to call it, but she wants the camera with removable lenses....T...
October 01, 1999
  Wide Angle Point & Shoot
I would like to know what camera would have a wider angle lens than 28. I want to upgrade to a better camera but I want the camera to be fairly automatic (i.e. auto focus, rewind etc.)...
October 01, 1999
  Digital Imaging Book
I am looking for a great book on digital imaging and, more specifically, a book that tells me how to prepare images for the Web or for email....
December 23, 1999