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  1607 Questions
Last Activity
I am ready to get my photos out on the market. How do I get into the stock photo market? Where do I find out about competitive prices in my field (education...early childhood)? I need tips on co...
November 17, 1999
  Avoiding florescent casts
Thank you for answering my question... I have another one. I have a Minolta - I will be taking so candid shots at a wedding. The church has bright florescent lights. Will these lights cause strange...
July 08, 2000
  Minolta XTsi vs. the Canon Rebel 2000
Which is the better SLR camera, the Minolta XTsi or the Canon Rebel 2000? What are the ...
April 16, 2000
  Calibration Causing Frustration
I've been using a friend's MAC with Nikon scanner (older model). It's almost not worth it! When he scans in one of my photos, the color and brightness and everything is so off that it t...
December 08, 1999
  Point & Shoot
Regarding image quality, camera quality and ease of use, which point and shoot cameras should I consider?...
November 15, 1999
We're thinking about buying a new camera and were wondering what kind to buy and if digital cameras are better than 35mm?...
December 17, 1999
  Lighting Equipment
I would like to buy lighting equipment to do children's portraits at home. I am trying to determine what I really need to buy to get started. How many lights do I need, are slave lights the b...
November 15, 1999
  Simple Camera for Nature Photography
I am interested in nature photography. I don't care about bells & whistles, where the date stamp goes, just the quality of the output. What features are important in evaluating which camera wil...
November 15, 1999
  Black and White Photo
I'm shooting indoors with ISO 400 and no flash... is it ok using 60-30-15 sec with f8, f5.6, f4, f2?...
December 20, 1999
  Digital Imaging Software
What is the simplest software to use on the market and the most complicated software?If cost was no object then which software package would be good to use and is easy to use? Would it be powerful...
November 15, 1999
  Contax TVS II vs. the Minilux Zoom 35-70
Should I get the TVS II, or the Minilux Zoom 35-70? I'm afraid the Leica only shoots to 1/250th and allows NO AE priority--- while the TVSII Vignettes at full apertures around 28-35mm, and onl...
November 14, 1999
  Entrepreneurial Camera
I want to buy a camera to start my own business... What should I get?...
November 14, 1999
  APS SLR vs. 35mm
I want to know whether I would be better off buying an APS SLR camera or a 35mm camera? I've looked at the Nikon Pronea 6i, the Nikon N60, and Minolta HTsi. I presently have a Minolta X-700 a...
February 08, 2005
  A Camera for Pictures of the Little One
Looking to buy a 35mm camera so I can take pictures of my little one... suggestions?...
November 13, 1999
I'm looking to upgrade my equipment and I'm not sure whether to buy into the expensive professional body cameras such as the EOS3 or the F100 made by the big name companies or purchase the ...
November 12, 1999
  Elan Really That Good?
Is it worth getting a new Canon Elan body or is my old EOS 10 just as good?...
October 01, 1999
  Manual vs. Autofocus
Is it better to get a manual focus or automatic focus?...
October 01, 1999
  Professional Camera for $3-400
I want to take professional photographs...Nature, people, urban, artistic photosBut I want to spend $ 300-400....
October 01, 1999
  Digital Imaging Software
I'm in the process of buying a digital camera for drafting work use. The plan is to use photo image files in our AutoCAD hybrid(Raster/Vector) drawings.At this time we are planing on buying a N...
October 01, 1999
  Buying the Right Camera
I love to take photos, especially outdoors. I travel for my work to Latin America in the field of Agriculture. Many of my photos are of crops, from an entire landscape to close ups of grapes, chi...
October 01, 1999