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  1607 Questions
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  Digital Cameras
I am interested in finding out which camera is better for ease of use and price - the Fuji DX-10 or the AGFA ePhoto 780C?...
December 05, 1999
  Planning to buy a Nikon FM 10
I'm a beginner and planning to buy a Nikon FM 10. Is it a good model to start with. The other brands available here are Pentax, Olympus and Canons. Which brand or models is best fitted for begi...
December 05, 1999
  Planning a Digital Business
I'm thinking of putting up a digital studio, specializing on ID pictures, portraits. I'm planning to buy a Kodak DC 290, but I'm still looking for sync strobes, my studio is quite small about 12 sq...
December 05, 1999
  Exposure meter sans flash meter?
How can I meter for a flash shot with out a flash meter ?...
December 04, 1999
I have to take portraits at the company Christmas party. I have a shoe mount flash with bounce, a small soft box from Photoflex to fit on the flash. no other lighting. I have done some experimentin...
December 04, 1999
  Correct Lens Type for Canon EOS Rebel G
I like to shoot outdoor landscapes. I have a problem getting clarity with my current Sigma lens (28-200mm). I would like a lens that is good to use for low light. I also enjoy shooting landscapes w...
December 04, 1999
  Lens for Pentax Z-50
What is the best valued lens or lenses I can get for the moneycriteria:Pentax Z-50Under $300Telephoto...
December 04, 1999
What is it that you should look for in a camera, when you want to buy it? Now how do you judge that the camera has good zoom capabilities....
December 04, 1999
  Different Lighting Situations
Are there any hard fast rules on when to alter the camera setting for different lighting situations - ie.low light or backlighting. I've been shooting for a long time and still miss shots. Is i...
December 02, 1999
  Getting Started
I am interested in a photography ministry. I want to travel a lot and go to new and different places. I would like to develop my own style of photography. What kind of further education should I ta...
December 02, 1999
  Digital Photography
I would like to know the what the advantages of digital photography are over conventional? ...
January 28, 2000
  Printing/cropping-correct resolution
Some of my shots look great on the monitor screen, but after I crop and edit, then select a print size, the resulting print is not anywhere near the quality on the screen. I know it has to do with ...
August 22, 2000
  Photographing a sunset
Sunsets on the beach are so beautiful but I haven't had much luck in capturing one that truly reveals what my eye sees. Because the sun is so bright, everything else turns out dark and I lose ...
December 24, 1999
  Taking Better Digital Photos
Are there some techniques i.e. lighting etc.. that could be used in taking better digital photos?...
November 29, 1999
  Getting Started in Portraits
If I were an amateur and I wanted a camera to help me get started in professional photography - mainly portraits - what camera would best suit my needs?...
November 29, 1999
  From Manual SLR to …
I am looking to get started. I have used a manual SLR in the past (10 years ago), but I would not say that I knew what I was doing.Someone from work is offering to sell me a Minolta XG-M, with Viv...
November 29, 1999
  For the Artist Photographing Works
I am an artist looking to build a portfolio. I need a SLR camera and lenses for taking quality slides/photographs of interior and exterior murals, artwork, sculptures and also landscapes. I have ju...
December 23, 1999
I am ready to upgrade and am wondering what type of system to purchase - Nikon, Canon or Minolta...
November 28, 1999
What lens would be good for portrait shooting and what would be an inexpensive studio set-up using 35mm format with lights. Any suggestions you have on starting a studio/location portrait business...
November 27, 1999
  Minolta X700
I have been using an old Konica FS1 (beginning to show it's age -popped open) & a Tokina 80-200 zoom getting good results. I'm being offered an Minolta X700 camera (practically new)&...
November 27, 1999