BetterPhoto Q&A: New Answers

The following are all of the questions in the photography forum that were recently answered. If you would like to learn more about the art and craft of photography, you're in the right place.

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  27692 Questions
Last Activity
  Canon 50 mm lens
HI I am planning to buy a 50 mm lens for use with a Canon 7D and a 5D Mark IIIWhich one would be better the 50 mm 1.8 or the 1.4Do let me knowThanks...
July 22, 2013
  Enter Contests
Are there two contests running? How do I enter the photo of the day and the monthly. I know how to enter the mo nthly one but what about the photo of the day....
May 05, 2013
  Delete old camera and add new one
When loading pictures it asks what type of camera. I can't delete the old ones and I can't add new one. How do I change them. If anyone knows send me an email to
May 04, 2013
  Canon 5D Mark III multiple cards
How do I designate which card will be used? I am unable to locate the answer in the instruction manual. Somehow it switches cards without shooting video at all! Surely this is a simple setting w...
May 04, 2013
  Changing Camera Type
I just happened to notice that a number of images in my gallery, all uploaded on the same day, have Miscellaneous Does Not Apply as the camera type, while it was really made with a Canon D50. It&#...
May 04, 2013
  1.8 lense...Good Choice?
I am thinking of buying either the Canon 50 mm 1.8 or the 85 mm 1.8. Anyone have an opinion? I can't afford the L series lenses right now or I would do that but between these two? Advice?...
May 06, 2013
  BetterPhoto using your photo
Does BetterPhoto pay members when they use their photos to advertise on this site? If not, do they ask permission to do so?...
August 18, 2014
  Permission to use a photo
I know variations of this question has been asked before, but I would still like to get opinions, suggestions, cautions, etc. from this group. I received a request to use a photo by a non-profit g...
May 08, 2013
  Why my uploaded photos look distorted.
I recently uploaded 3 photos,2 of them for the contest.They are dog's portraits.They look like their faces are elongated,not how I have them in the original photos.I haven't upload any phot...
April 25, 2013
  March 2013 Countdown Thread
Here we are at the 15th of the month again. I am excited to see your images. I love this thread and sharing the wait with all of you. Thank you all for sharing your talent here on BetterPhoto. ...
April 30, 2013
  Problem with Photoshop Colors
Hi, Turning to my BP friends for help with a Photoshop question, though it's not really a photo...forgive me, I'm desperate... I use Photoshop for my photo editing, but have little experie...
April 17, 2013
  Contest Category Descriptions
Hi, I just read that the guidelines for contest categories had changed at one point, and I've been searching for about half an hour trying to find the page which describes the contest categorie...
April 12, 2013
  Canvas Wrap
I am wanting to have some photos made into gallery wraps. Does anyone know of a company that produces wraps that still look like the original photo. I want quality above all else. Any suggestion...
April 17, 2013
  Portrait Photographers and New Business
Not sure how widely reported this has been yet but since I work for a portrait studio (Portrait Innovations) we heard about it immediately. Sears and WalMart portrait studios closed their doors th...
April 19, 2013
  April 2013 - No EP Feedback Thread
This is a thread where we can post contest entries that did not receive an EP that you would like to receive constructive ideas on why and what could be improved on the image.Please leave feedback ...
May 27, 2013
  Your vote, please!
I have two pictures in the running for a calendar photo contest. If I win, I will donate the money to a charity. If you would like to vote for me, here is where to check it out:
April 04, 2013
  Upgrade to 5D MkIII or 1Dx
Hi allI am doing mostly wildlife( big cats and birds) and travel landscape photography.I am currently using a 7D. I have read and watched a lot of reviews of both the 5D MkII and 1Dx and now am in ...
April 07, 2013
  March 2013 - No EP Feedback Thread
Hello Fellow Bpers!Due to the recent changes to judging (criteria?) and awarding of EPs, I was curious whether BPers would be interested in a thread discussing why their image might not have made t...
April 19, 2013
  who is Wxeaplni?
When I went to check a comment on one of my images, everybody's name had been changed to Wxeaplni Weaplni?? HUh????...
March 25, 2013
  Problems Uploading
I have been trying since yesterday to upload a photo to my website and contest. It says it needs to upload the Aurigma Upload Suite, and then eventually, I get a link that says "software update", ...
September 09, 2013