Minolta 400si, an SLR. My teacher is a photographer and has lots of cameras. I would li..."> Minolta 400si, an SLR. My teacher is a photographer and has lots of cameras. I would li..."/>

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BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke

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Minolta 400

I just bought a Minolta 400si, an SLR. My teacher is a photographer and has lots of cameras. I would like to know if Minolta cameras shoot good pictures. What's the part of a SLR that shoots clear pictures? A good lens or good camera? Or is it both?
Thanks very much.

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October 01, 1999

BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  You will do great with your Minolta - they do a great job.

In my opinion, the lens is the part that really determines the sharpness - a decent hunk of glass is essential for good shots. But the camera body does do a lot, too. I depend on my autofocus, for example, to get good sharp shots when I have very little time to focus and set the exposure.
You are going to love your SLR - seeing what you are going to get is just the beginning.

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September 27, 2001

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