Silver Dome F.V made by Silver Dome F.V made by

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: To Be Categorized

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lighting/Product Pictures

I've been using a Silver Dome F.V made by PhotoFlex (Soft Light) with photo paper and a big white piece of foam like cardboard for the background, but all the pics are coming out with yellow background. I've tried to adjust the light but it seems to never be as white as I need. I am shooting these [digitally] for our site and catalog. Do I need more light or more practice!! Thanks

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October 01, 1999


Michael D. Clausen
  What kind of lights are you using in that Silver Dome F.V?
What kind of film are you using?

The light source that you are using is too warm. You need to
use one that has a higher Kelvin rating. A separate flash
unit with a rating of anywhere from 5400 on up should work.
The higher the rating, the less yellow. You can also find
films that compensate for lower light ratings, if you
choose, and there are filters that compensate for such
things as tungsten lighting and the like as well. A good
book to look at if you want a grasp of the concept of light
temperature is The Photographer's Guide to Using Filters
by Joseph Meehan.

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September 27, 2001

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