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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Family Portraits

This Christmas we decided to take our own family photographs. We tried that for Easter one year, outside, and they came out horrible. We did take pictures one year of Christmas and the film was not centered and half of the picture was all black. What is a couple of good positions for photographing the family ( 2 adults, 2 children) and what colors are the best to wear for the family photograph? Also is it better to take family photographs inside or outside? thank you for your help.

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November 18, 1999


Diane Miller
  Last year I had such a hard time with the lighting outside at night that I gave up. I just took my family's portraits for Christmas inside. I used a black background and it made the christmas colors just pop! I haven't given up on outside pictures yet. I will be back outside again this year, trying again! Take a look at my gallery and you can see some examples.

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September 22, 2005


Mary E. Heinz
  Tracy, hi, I've been doing alot of
research and have come across alot
of good sites for info...e-mail me/
I'll forward some to you/ but in general...the best thing is to sit,
etc. how you are comfortable...not a
particular pose...let me know if you're
using someone or a self-timer?

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May 13, 2006

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