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Photography Question 

Elaine S. Robbins

What do You Think?

I have a Samsung Maxima Zoom (38-145) - basically a glorified point and shoot. These are some pics I took w/it; I have an interest in photography as a hobby I would like to invest in an SLR (Canon Rebel 2000?) but don't know if its worth it. What do you think of my photos? Do you think I should get an SLR?

Dove/Window: L'viv Ukraine.
Scarves: Kyiv Ukraine.
Black and Whites: Near my home in MN

All of the images scanned much darker than the original - so try to imagine them lighter!!


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March 04, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  Your photos are very good! About buying an SLR camera... I had a Canon and also a few other good name cameras, but when I found a Konica T-3 SLR I just fell in love with this camera and have been using it as my main camera. Others may disagree but the older Konica cameras seem to have GREAT quality and are built to last. Just my opinion but look into it ;)

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March 04, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Your photos are great. It doesn't really matter what kind of camera you get as long as you can get good quality lenses for it. My advice is don't spend a lot on the camera. Invest in lenses. Maybe you should consider a manual camera so you can really learn the basics. There are a lot of good manual cameras floating around out there and the manual focus lenses are relatively cheap but still of high quality.

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March 04, 2001


Ken Pang
  A few people have already answered, but I thought maybe my two cents would help you out too. They liked your photos, but the important question to ask is: why?

The bottom two, the black and whites, I thought were exceptionally good because of their composition. I like the fence having leading lines towards the bike, which really draws your attention to a strong shape (and most prominent subject) in the photo.

The trees, I also like your composition, how the trees act as a frame coming in from the right of the photo. I also like the fact that there is no particularly strong subject here, rather it just goes off seemingly as far as the eye can see.

The scarves, I liked because it was vivid in colour, filled the frame, and the rest of the photo was in shadow. Once again, this draws strong attention to the main subject.

The window frame? Personally, it doesn't do anything for me. It holds no interest, doesn't make me think or feel, or wonder about anything. That's not to say that it's not a good photo - art is a very personal thing. However, to me it doesn't have strong colour - everything is a dulled colour and even the intensity doesn't change. There are no leading lines which end in a subject. The rule of thirds, which basically says that there must be some change every third of the way horizontally and vertically through a photo to keep it interesting doesn't seem to be used here.

Anyway, I think overall your photos are very good. With regards to the camera? Just buy one that doesn't stifle your creativeness. All the fancy bells and whistles are for reporters who need to document, not for artists who want to create.

Hope that helps.


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March 05, 2001

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