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Category: To Be Categorized

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photos In Public Places

When shooting public places, are releases necessary for any person that is in your finished photo if these photo's are to be published?

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March 02, 2001


Ken Pang
  This question seems to be asked a lot. The answer depends on the privacy act of your country, but these are general rules for western civilisation. Check with your lawyer before publishing anything though.

1) If that person is clearly the subject of the photo and clearly identifiable, then you need a release

2) If the person is "part of the scene" and does not contribute directly to the photo, a release is not generally necessary. (EG taking a photo of a crowd at a sporting event)

3) If the scene is considered news, then generally a release is not necessary. (EG photographing a fireman who just saved a baby from a burning house)

4) Considering point 3, celebrities are generally considered "news" regardless of what they are doing at the time. This generally does not cover invasion of privacy on private property, but if they are just walking around, it's fair game.

Hope this helps.


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March 03, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Basically the question you need to answer is - is it for editorial purposes or advertising? Editorial - no release necessary. Advertising - a release is necessary. When in doubt get a release.

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March 04, 2001

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