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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Outdoor Equipment Failure

When we take our indoor equipment (strobes) outdoors they fail to fire. We were told this was due to oxidation? This last time we didn't even disconnect the plugs from extension cords, power strips, etc. I even wrapped any exposed camera connections in plastic. But again they didn't fire. As soon as we returned to the studio and reconnected, they fired perfectly. What's up? Any suggestons? It's driving us crazy. Thanks for any help.

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February 28, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  How are they triggered? If it is IR the ambient light may be interfering.

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March 04, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  The first strobe is hooked up directly to the camera and the second is triggered by the first's flash. Because we are not in a studio where the light can bounce off walls, is the second strobe not picking up the flash? This could be part of the problem and I say "part" because we could not get the first strobe to flash consistantly and in almost all attempts it failed. Thanks for responding.

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March 05, 2001


Dana R.
It would seem to me that the flash is being controlled thru the cameras light meters , and it is deciding no flash is needed .
be sure to set the camera to manual exposure , you should be test fireing the flash to get your readings , use those readings to set the camera , it will flash then.

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March 07, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Without knowing the specific equipment Dana may be on to something. But I also think the ambient light is causing misfires on your slave unit.

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March 08, 2001

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