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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

I want small detailed closeups & wide area pics

I have a new Olympus ultra zoom C2100. The zoom is fantastic for a digital camera at this price ($600). I use the software that came with the camera & it works fine. I am still learning to use the various features & settings offerred in its menu. The only thing I haven't been able to do is take detailed closeups of small objects such as a penny..flower petals..figurine. The zoom can only get so close before the image becomes blurry & out of focus. Also...I want to take wide angle shots of groups that capture enough detail & clarity to make a good pic. Someone suggested that I either buy another camera or invest in something called a super macro/telephoto lense with a ring (whatever that is). He said it would cost around $150-$200 & well worth it instead of buying $4,000 to $6,000 digital camera. Please explain what I need & suggest a product & estimated cost. This is my first digital camera & I like it a lot...I just want it to do a little more. Thank you for your time & consideration.

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February 23, 2001

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