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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

I want small detailed closeups & wide area pics

I have a new Olympus ultra zoom C2100. The zoom is fantastic for a digital camera at this price ($600). I use the software that came with the camera & it works fine. I am still learning to use the various features & settings offerred in its menu. The only thing I haven't been able to do is take detailed closeups of small objects such as a penny..flower petals..figurine. The zoom can only get so close before the image becomes blurry & out of focus. Also...I want to take wide angle shots of groups that capture enough detail & clarity to make a good pic. Someone suggested that I either buy another camera or invest in something called a super macro/telephoto lense with a ring (whatever that is). He said it would cost around $150-$200 & well worth it instead of buying $4,000 to $6,000 digital camera. Please explain what I need & suggest a product & estimated cost. This is my first digital camera & I like it a lot...I just want it to do a little more. Thank you for your time & consideration.

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February 23, 2001


I own an Olympus c-2100. I get really nice close up pictures. Did you read and study your manual? You have to use the macro focusing on wide angle. Don't try to zoom in on whateven you are focusing on. Get as close to your subject as you can and push the shutter button half way down to focus. I'm going to purchase a set of close up lens' for around $39 dollars. They are made by Tiffen and you can find them on this site. I'm not sure what kind of problem your having with the wide angle group pictures. I get nice pictures of groups. I got my camera this January and I have been praticing and have improved my skills. I was even able to take a nice picture of the moon using digital zoom. I'll send you a few pics.
I'd like to tell you more about what I have been able to do with my camera. If you want to know. Haven't met anyone who owns one. Hope to hear back from you.

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May 17, 2001


  I own an Olympus c-2100. I get really nice close up pictures. Did you read and study your manual? You have to use the macro focusing on wide angle. Don't try to zoom in on whateven you are focusing on. Get as close to your subject as you can and push the shutter button half way down to focus. I'm going to purchase a set of close up lens' for around $39 dollars. They are made by Tiffen and you can find them on this site. I'm not sure what kind of problem your having with the wide angle group pictures. I get nice pictures of groups. I got my camera this January and I have been praticing and have improved my skills. I was even able to take a nice picture of the moon using digital zoom. I'll send you a few pics.
I'd like to tell you more about what I have been able to do with my camera. If you want to know. Haven't met anyone who owns one. Hope to hear back from you. I'll send the pics later they were to large.

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May 17, 2001

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