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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Settings fot indoor sports pictures

I am just getting into photography and recently purchased a rebel 2000 and use a tamron 100-300 lens along with 28-80. I tried to take pictures at an indoor volleyball game and got some disappointing results. I used 400 speed film with appetures of 5.0 to 11.0 but my shutter speeds were extremely slow b/c I was in manual mode and tried to adjust to get correct exposure. I realize that it didn't make sense to use slow shutter speeds with sports, but how do I compensate for this and still get the correct exposure? I was using a tripod but my pictures came out really blurry due to slow shutter speeds (1/8 to 1/30). It seems dumb but I just wasn't sure how to use the seetings to get correct exposure in this mode? should I use TV mode next time or use the sports settings? any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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February 21, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Changing your camera mode isn't going to make the athletes slow down. 400 speed film and slow lenses just aren't going to do the trick in that light. You either need to push the film, use faster film, or use flash. And don't shoot stopped down to f11. You might as well shoot wide open and get as much speed as you can.

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March 04, 2001

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