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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shooting directlly into sunlight

I have been experimenting with shooting nature scenes directly into backlit sunlight, with dramatic shadows and starburst of light as it filters through tree leaves. I am happy with many of the shots, but have been frustrated with some of my best shots being contaminated with lens diffraction artifacts. Although this might be considered by some an interesting special effect, I do not like the artificial and obviously unnatural distraction it presents. Is there a way to minimize such lens diffractions? I have heard that the use of one or more filters can cause or aggravate this problem, and I often use a polarizing filter. I have found that if I allow just enough light to be exposed via this filtering effects, I can get starbursts with lens diffraction,but I wonder if there is a way to allow more direct light into the lens without these diffraction "blobs."?

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February 09, 2001


Jon Close
  The diffraction blobs are commonly called lens flare. It is caused either by stray light from the side striking the front lens element or by bright points of light causing internal reflections in the lens. You can minimize the former source by using a lens hood to sheild the lens from sidelight. The latter is more difficult because it is caused by light within the scene you're shooting. You can lessen the effect by stopping down (using a smaller aperture setting), or recomposing so that the flare producing light source is blocked. Higher quality multicoated filters are less susceptible to flare than cheaper single coated or uncoated filters.

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February 12, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I would add to Jon's comments that fixed focal length (non-zoom) prime lenses are less prone to flare than zooms. A lens hood will be of little use when shooting directly into the sun.

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March 04, 2001

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