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Which lens to buy

I am planning an African trip. The longest lens I currently own is a Nikon 80-200 2.8ED. My options are either a 2x teleconverter if one exists that will work with this lens or purchase of a 300mm fixed or zoom that goes to 300mm. The Nikon 300mm is too expensive and large and heavy. Is there a good non Nikon 300mm lens or zoom out there that is compact, light and of excellent quality. The problem with the teleconverter option is the loss of 2 stops and consequent decision on what slide film to use for low light early AM and early evening game viewing. I would appreciate any suggestions you can offer.

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February 07, 2001


Jon Close
  Is the Nikon 300 f/4 too expensive (~$1150) and heavy (3.1 lbs) or are you referring only to the 300 f/2.8 (~$4800 and 6.6 lbs)?

I'm assuming you have an autofocus Nikon body. I think that the Nikkor 80-200 f/2.8 ED cannot autofocus with teleconverters, Nikon or 3rd party. If you are comfortable using that lens in manual focus, I would lean toward getting both a 1.4x and 2x teleconverter. 1.4x gets you to 112- 280 f/4 and the 2x gives you 160-400mm f/5.6. With respect to the loss of 1-2 stops aperture using teleconverters, any xxx-300 (or xxx-400) zoom at less than $1000 will be f/4 (or f/5.6) and possibly no sharper than the 80-200 ED with a good TC anyway.

Plus TC's are much more convenient to carry than a second large zoom lens.

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February 09, 2001

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