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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Career in Photography

I would like some practical advise on becoming a photographer. I have been doing photography on and off for 8 years with some small qualifications in it, but as I haven't done a proper course for about 5 years (and have forgotton technical details) I don't know where to go or what to do next.

Can anyone help?

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February 07, 2001


John A. Lind
  You can usually find a refresher or intermediate photography course in an adult education program at a local community colleges. They are typically taught by local professionals. This can help you network into the profession. Look for a course in setting up a phtography business also. As much as you may pursue the creating of images, for a professional it's also a business and you will want to learn how to manage the business end of it.

Go to a local library and browse through the photography section. Ansel Adams wrote the classic trilogy: "The Camera," "The Negative," and "The Print," of which you will probably be interested in the first two. They contain much technical information about cameras and image management. Another good author covering the technical aspects is Andreas Feininger who wrote (among other works) "The Complete Photographer."

Beyond that you need to define for yourself what kind of photography you are interested in doing. Within that same section you should find additional books covering composition and techniques specific to your interest.

-- John

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February 07, 2001

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