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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photography at wedding spots & wedding cakes

I have a nikon f80d lens 20-80mm. How do I take good photographs at weddings spots like church, and halls and particularly the wedding cakes which are white and the wedding gowns which should not show overexposure. I need to show in my photos the exact description of the cakes deco or cloths lining. in other words to avoid the display of more white which is amateur. please advise. -clereto

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January 23, 2001


John A. Lind
  This may not be as much the camera and lens as it is the film you are using and possibly the lab that is making the prints.

You need to use a professional portrait film with very wide latitude for this type of photography . . . one that will show detail in the white materials and not lose shadow details. Examples are Kodak's Portra 160 NC and Portra 400 NC. These are professional films designed for this type of work. Fuji has similar professional films for this too. Consumer films, such as Kodak Gold or even Royal Gold have too much contrast and too much saturation for this. In order for detail to get onto a print, it has to be on the negative.

You should also have printing done by a professional lab that uses professional paper for portrait type work. As with the film, these papers are designed for wedding and portrait photography. As with the films, much of the consumer print papers have too high contrast and too much saturation to do this well. That said, the proper film is more important than the print paper. A pro lab also tends to be more accurate in exposing the print to keep both highlight and shadow detail. One-hour labs in particular tend to be sloppy about it because consumers generally aren't finicky about the results. There are a few excellent one-hour labs, but they are very few . . . and usually it's because of an outstanding operator . . . and if he/she quits, it's back to mediocre prints.

-- John

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January 23, 2001

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