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Photography Question 

Timothy A. Chorlton

Cokin Filters

Hi, me again. Thanks to Romen for that answer. I tried it and it seemed to work. However, I have been told that you can get different strengths of ND Grad filters. I use cokin filters normally, but does anyone know what the strengths of there filters are. I have visited there website and they seem to have five versions.
120 (which I have)
121 L
121 S
121 F
What does that mean, and what strengths are they all (as in stops that they will reduce by)
PS - Very informative site!

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January 18, 2001


Romen Vargas
  From memory the stop value is on the case (they come in cool plastic cases) but I do know that L S and F stand for Long, Short and Full (respectively). Ie how the gradient is. Full means it graduates from top to bottom, S means you got this short area at the bottom and Long means the area of white is longer. (I may have S and L mixed up but I'm quite sure I got it the right way around). Also the higher the number the higher darker it is but again I'm quite sure the stop value is on the box.

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January 22, 2001

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