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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


How can I get better exposed pictures at my son's hockey games, without sacrificing shutter speed (blur from the action). I have used 400 speed film at 1/250 but the pictures come out a bit dark. I know I could try using a faster film, but how slow of a shutter speed can you get away with, without having blur, but still have proper exposure? I also realize a faster lens would help.
thanks for your response,

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January 12, 2001


Ken Pang
  How much too dark is it? If it's just one or two stops too dark, you could lower the shutter speed to 1/125 or even 1/60 (Though I don't recommend the latter) then pan with the movement. Make sure you track the action for at least one second to get the feel for how fast they are moving.

Another thing you can do is get your photofinisher to push the print a few stops at the PRINTING stage. (As opposed to the developing stage.) This will usually result in less than optimal photos, since it also becomes grainy and loses colour definition. It tends to be a little more tolerant than push processing, however.

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January 12, 2001

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