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Photography Question 


How To Use the 80a Filter

Hello everyone ,
would someone please teach me how to use and WHEN to use the 80a filter?
I have a Canon Elan 2 with 35-80mm lens and a speedlite 380ex. I will be taking pictures of church service... INDOOR and poor lighting.
Thank you so much,

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January 12, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  Are you using negative or slide film?
From what I have heard the 80a filter doesn't help much when using negative film, due to the processing. Someone out there correct me if I am wrong.

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January 13, 2001


Jon Close
  Use 80A when you are indoors with incandescent (tungsten filament bulbs) lighting and NO flash. This filter is necessary to correct the color balance when shooting slide film. It is also helpful with negative (print) film, but is not necessary since the color correction can be made with either the filter when taking the shot, or by the lab when the prints are made. If the lighting is dim you may have shutter speeds too slow to hand-hold or too slow to freeze movement, unless you are using a very "fast" lens (big aperture) like a 50 f/1.8, or very fast film (ISO 400, 800 or higher). A tripod would be helpful.

If you are using a flash, then DO NOT use the 80A filter. The light from the flash has daylight color balance. As long as you are within the rated distance for your flash, your subject will have the correct color balance, though backgrounds may have the "warm" shading of the ambient light.

You should get decent results with your modest on-camera flash and zoom lens. Don't be disappointed if you don't get "professional" looking photos since you aren't using professional lenses and lighting systems.

Happy shooting,

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January 14, 2001

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