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Photography Question 

Sam Ellis


I am really struggling to get the concept of exposure. I have 2 cameras - Minolta Dynax and a Nikon f1. The Minolta is fully automatic with manual overide and the Nikon is fuly manual. My problem is really in the concept of exposure. Do I take a reading on auto - on both cameras and then decide if aperture setting or speed is the priority. (I do understand what each one does.) And then switch to the required program - APERTURE OR SPEED PROIRITY and select the speed or apertrure setting?

The correllation between the 2 is what gets me.( Is on ASA100 film - F8 always 125 )- or Do I for eg. read through auto that it reads f8 60th and if I want a faster speed eg 250th set the fstop to f4. Or do I simply go to speed and set 250th and let aperture look after itself.

Please help !!!! I really don't know why I haven't got this but I haven't. What do you do ?????

Thank you

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January 12, 2001

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